Aml Pages Notes Organizer Site
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Plugins for Aml Pages notes manager

how to install a plug-in? »»»

Plugins extend the basic features of Aml Pages. E.g. integration in web-browsers, viewing of documents in Total Commander, import and export of data, user interface customization etc.
How to install Aml Pages plugin: see here.

Hot news [23/07/2024 16:20] Aml Pages 10.00 build 2961 released.
You can download English version with installer or portable versions (learn more about portable version).
For other language versions - see here.

Also You can download localized versions of Aml Pages: German, French, Italian, Portuguesze Brazilan, Russian, Ukrainian and etc.
Aml Pages: Plain text allow to apply simple formatting What`s new in the version
A new version of the Aml2CHM plugin 3.50 has been released (support for new versions of Aml Pages 9.99 has been added, the mirror order of folders\nodes in the CHM file has been fixed).
New video: How to capture web pages into the Aml Pages from Google Chrome by Aml Assist.
added: menu commands "Document Read Only", "View Only", "Page Read Only", "Protect Page with Password" show their status (on/off) in the tooltip;
Added new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.37.
added: menu commands “Document Read Only”, “View Only”, “Page Read Only”, “Protect Page with Password” are drawn in bold when enabled;
Aml Assist plugin command "Add Text To Node" will correctly paste URLs from the clipboard;
Added background asynchronous loading of text templates when starting Aml Pages.
Added new version of Aml Assist 3.60 plugin has been added (adding text to the nodes, including source URL). Double clicking on a node in the tree activates the text editor (right panel).
The plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.67 released.
Critical bug fix: excessive CPU usage when the Nodes Tabs bar (top nodes bar) is enabled.
Added: text templates supports autotext now.
Added new version of plugin AutoReplace 2.16 (fixed: does not save setting after OK in the dialog, fixed: running the plugin in a hyperlinks).
New feature: plain text formatting. What does this mean? Now You can uses a simple formatting for nodes of plain text: font and him attributes (bold, italic, underline and etc), font size, colors of background and text, can uses format styles and many more.
See the What's New section for a full list of changes, or you can view it from Aml Pages itself.
Most popular
• Spell Checker
• Aml2Dropbox
• Aml2Evernote
• Aml Assist
• Aml View
• Aml2CHM
• LogView
• IE2Aml
• Aml2LeaderTask
• Placement Restorer

• How to install plugin
• Aml Pages Plugin API

SpellChecker 4.01 build 161 [09/17/2017]
Spell Checker plugin for Aml Pages.
This plugin implements the spelling in documents of Aml Pages. Supports simultaneous check in multiple languages. Includes spell checker dictionaries for English (USA+British), German, Ukrainian and Russian languages. The remaining dictionaries can be downloaded by clicking on the link in the window of this plugin.
See command on this plugin in menu "Plugins\Spell Checker" (or context menu for text editor).

Setup: standard.
Download: [ zip, 2.0M ]
Required Aml Pages 9.31 build 2256 or later

How to install additional dictionaries for other languages
  1. Visit to web site on hyperlink "More languages" from plugin window.
  2. Download XPI-file for Your language.
  3. Rename the file from *.XPI to *.ZIP.
    In fact this file in ZIP-format.
  4. Extract all files *.aff and *.dic from ZIP-archive to directory of Aml Pages plugins.
    As default the directory is %PATH_TO_AML_PAGES%\Plugins,
    e.g. "C:\Program Files\Aml Pages\Plugins".
  5. Choose Your language from button "Languages".
  6. Restart the Spell Checker plugin.
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Spell Checker Plugin for Aml Pages
Click to enlarge
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Data Saving to Aml Pages documents
You can use of AmlDataSender Library for data saving to Aml Pages documents. AmlDataSender.DLL is the COM object. ZIP-archive include samples on C++ (MFC, WinAPI), Visual Basic (VB6, VB.Net), Delphi (thanks to Sergey Puchovsky).
Download: [ zip, 120K ]
See also
For developers

Aml View for Total Commander & Aml Pages Viewer 2.02 [12 июня, 2016]
The plugin for viewing of Aml Pages documents in Total Commander (the lister plugin). Also may to work as standalone viewer for Aml Pages documents (see the file AmlPagesViewer.exe).
User Interface: English, Deutsch, Russian, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Romanian.
Download: [ 212K ], free

  • In Total Commander: click on the ZIP-archive in Total Commander and confirm installation.
  • For viewing: unpack all files from the ZIP-archive and start AmlPagesViewer.exe.
  • Aml View Screenshot
    Aml2Dropbox 2.67 [04/01/2024]
    Instantly synchronize your documents created with Aml Pages and create backups in your Dropbox folder, so that you have the files at hand anytime you need them.
    Plugin to synchronize documents via an Internet using the service Dropbox - the Web service to synchronize files via an Internet.

    What is Dropbox? See the article about this service in Wikipedia.

    With a single click you can send the currently opened document to the Dropbox folder either as APD file (the proprietary format of Aml Pages) or as a ZIP archive. The latter option instructs Aml2Dropbox to automatically generate the archive before sending it to the Dropbox directory.

    Click on a menu command, the rest of the plugin itself does: saves the document with date compression, packed into ZIP-archive, sends data to a folder synchronization Dropbox. The plugin allows you to start synchronization with the service Dropbox, or visit to the website service. Commands like the plug is always on the menu "Plugins". Also sending embedded commands in the menu "Save" (see screenshot at right).

    Installation: standard way via open ZIP-archive of plugin from Aml Pages. Or extract all files from ZIP-archive to Aml Pages plugins directory.
    Download: [ zip, 266K ]
    Required Aml Pages 9.34 or later

    See also
    How to synchronize documents via Internet
    Pluigin Aml2Evernote
    Aml2Dropbox - plugin for syncronization Aml Pages document via service

    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Aml2Evernote 2.01 [23/11/2021]

    Plugin created for saving data from Aml Pages into Evernote. Notes of Aml Pages saved into Evernote is accessible for viewing on more platforms: Windows Phone, Android, iOS and etc.

      How to it works?
    1. Select any area of text into Aml Pages.
    2. Right mouse click.
    3. Choose menu command "Aml2Evernote\Send Text 2 Evernote".
    4. Click on the "Send To Evernote" button in the dialog.
    Done. Start the Evernote and see to imported notes.

    What is Evernote? See the article about this service in Wikipedia.

    Setup: extract all files from ZIP-archive to Aml Pages plugins directory or choose ZIP-archive from Aml Pages.
    Download: [ zip, 128K ]
    Required Aml Pages 9.57 build 2509 or later, Evernote Client for Windows.

    See also
    •  New release: Aml2Evernote 2.00
    •  How to import notes from Evernote into Aml Pages
    •  How to synchronize documents via Internet
    •  Pluigin Aml2Dropbox
    Aml2Evernote - plugin for syncronization Aml Pages document via service Evernote Notes imported into Evernote via Aml2Dropbox

    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Auto-Replace 2.12 build 33 [12/07/2023]
    The plugin is created for auto-replace of text on typing. E.g. "--" (2 hyphen) replace to "—" (dash). "..." (3 dots) replace to "…" (ellipsis) and etc.
    You can change the settings: add, remove or disable auto-replace. See menu "Plugins\Auto-Replace".
    Download: [ zip, 19K ]
    Requirements: Aml Pages 9.33 or later.
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Auto-Replace Settings
    Aml2CHM 3.50 build 152 [18/02/2024]
    The plugin create e-book (HTML Help, format of Windows help system) from Aml Pages documents. The plugin support extended export to HTML with formatting saving and pictures.
    How to install plugin see here. Required Aml Pages Aml Pages 9.96 build 2884 or later..

    Screenshot: new window
    Download: [ zip, 550K ]
    Video tutorial: see here [ zip, 1.6M ] Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    LogView 1.05 build 62 [10/12/2022]
    This is the plugin for viewing of log Aml Pages.
    The setting "Write log file into program folder" must be enabled on the tab Settings\Usability.

    How to install plugin see here. Required Aml Pages 9.88 build 2796 or later.
    Download: [ zip, 20K ]

    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    ImagesIntoHTML 2.00 [01/05/2012]
    The old plugin for the old version of Aml Pages (ANSI). Do not supports now.

    For include images into HTML of web nodes use context menu of pane Files - menu command "Attach Images".
    The plugin save images of web page into document Aml Pages. With this plugin you can include images from Web pages within a document. So images will be available for viewing without connecting to the Internet. See command on this plugin in menu "Plugins\ImagesIntoHTML".
    Setup: extract all files from ZIP-archive to Aml Pages plugins directory.
    Download: [ zip, 25K ]
    Required Aml Pages 9.35 build 2288 or later
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    IE2Aml [13/12/2011]
    The plug-in included to Aml Pages 9.08 or later
    The plugin execute of fast data saving from Internet Explorer & Maxthon to Aml Pages documents.
    Screenshot: here
    PAD file: here
    Download: [English, zip, 74K ]
    Download: [Russian, zip, 78K ]
    formerly known as iAml One Click Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Themes 4.01 [18/02/2017]
    This plugin is already included in the Aml Pages 9.17 or later.
    The plugin is for management (and creation) of visual themes for Aml Pages. Also included samples of themes. For using see to menu "View\Themes".
    Download: [ zip, 146K ] Required version of Aml Pages 9.16 build 2104 or later.

    UI Themes manager for Aml Pages
    Learn more about using of this plugin
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Aml2LeaderTask 2.00 [25/11/2022]
    Plug-in for integration Aml Pages and organizer LeaderTask.
    LeaderTask - is a business organizer for planning tasks and project management.
    The plugin allows you to literally one click to keep the problem from Aml Pages in the database LeaderTask. It's simple:
        •  Select text in Aml Pages and select the menu command "Plugins\Save Text To LeaderTask" (or from the context menu).
        • The selected text is saved as a new task in LeaderTask.
    Next time, in a window in the panel LeaderTask Navigator activate the tab "Planning" and go to your In (inbox). Observe all stored in the task list. Starting with version LeaderTask there is quicker access to your Inbox: This command menu "View \ Inbox" or keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Q.
    Screenshot: see here
    Download: [ zip, 31K ]
    Required version of Aml Pages 9.16 build 2104 or later.
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    File2Aml 2.04 [25/02/2015]
    The plugin attach of files to Aml Pages documents. The plugin required Aml Pages 9.01 Beta 2 or later.
    Download: [ zip, 50K ]
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Aml Assist 3.60 [28/03/2024]
    This plugin is already included in the Aml Pages 9.31 or later
    The plugin save of web pages, text and files from Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, (see video tutorial) Maxthon, Microsoft Word,, Microsoft Outlook, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, The Bat, Windows Explorer, Total Commander, HippoEdit, Evernote, Microsoft Visual Studio and from any applications.
    1. Select data in source application (e.g. text, tables, or pictures in web browser, MS Word, file in file manager).
    2. Drag selection to Aml Assist pane (see screenshot or screenshot and demo video. More info see in review "Tips and tricks. Part VII. Aml Assist". Note: This plugin works integrated with FavEx.
      Download: [ zip, 278K ]
      Required version of Aml Pages 9.31 build 2254 or later. Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Aml Assist Pane for saving data by drag-n-drop
    Placement Restorer [01/06/2014]
    The plugin save and restore placement of Aml Pages main window. See menu commands on submenu "Plugins\Placement Restorer" (or submenu Tools).
    See command on this plugin in menu "Plugins\Placement Restorer".

    Setup: extract all files from ZIP-archive to Aml Pages plugins directory.
    Download: [ zip, 34K ]
    Required Aml Pages 9.12 or later.
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Recommended Aml Pages v. 9.44 build 2382 or later (for auto save\restore of position).
    Plugin Placement Restorer
    Click to enlarge
    Aml Export 3.09 [11/03/2017]
    This plugin is already included in the Aml Pages 9.13 b2061 or later
    Export Aml Pages document: 1) into a tree of folders and files; 2) into XML-file.
    Download: [ 40K ]
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Aml Auto Completion 2.10 [28/10/2023]
    This plugin is already included in the Aml Pages 9.11 or later.
    Text auto completion plug-in on typing. The plug-in required Aml Pages 9.08 build 1997 or later. Screenshot.
    Setup: extract all files from ZIP-archive to Aml Pages plugins directory.
    Download: [ zip, 80K ]
    Required Aml Pages 9.08 build 1997 or later
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Aml Shortcut 1.01 [15/04/2009]
    Plug-in for creation of shortcuts to direct access of Aml Pages nodes. Click on the shortcut and you will see it your node of Aml Pages document. See commands of this plug-in in menu "Plugins\Aml Shortcut".
    Required version Aml Pages 9.10 build 2020 or later.
    Download, [ 10K]
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Aml Image 2.10 [14/12/2014]
    This plugin is already included in the Aml Pages 9.15 or later.
    The plugin insert any picture to text. The plugin support formats: JPEG, GIF, Ping, TIFF, Bitmap, Icon, Windows Metafiles, Enhances Metafiles and etc. The plugin required Aml Pages 9.05 build 1966 or later and Win2K\XP or later.
    Setup: extract all files from ZIP-archive to Aml Pages plugins directory.
    Download: [ zip, 23K ]
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    FavEx 3.11 [01/12/2014]
    This plugin is already included in the Aml Pages 9.23 or later.
    This plugin extends the features of the Favorites menu. The plugin opens the parts of any document in just one click. Note: This plugin works integrated with Aml Assist.
    Screenshot 1: Favorites menu extended by FavEx plugin.
    Screenshot 2: commands of FavEx on menu Aml Assist bar.

    Download: [ zip, 128K ]
    Required Aml Pages 9.22 build 2177 or later.

    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Aml2Pic 1.0 [22,09,2007,21,50]
    The plugin save text to picture files (extended metafiles). The plugin is distributed with source code (based of Microsoft sample).
    Download: [ zip, 44K ]
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Para [01.03.2007]
    Paragraph formatting. The plugin is distributed with source code.
    Download: [ 50K ]
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Quotes Auto Completion 1.00 [04.02.2007]
    Automatically insert double or single back quote markes. The plugin is distributed with source code.
    Download: [ 42K]
    Aml Pages 9.05 and later support quotes auto completion directly.
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    Table Maker 1.02 [13/07/2008]
    This is a sample plugin for tables creation. The plugin is distributed with source code.
    Download: [ 89K]
    Version AmlPages 9.07 and later has built-in support of work with tables with extended capabilities: border width and colors, rows insertion and etc.
    Request the custom development of this plugin or features
    How to install plugin into Aml Pages see here.
    See also
    Plugins Installation | What is Aml Pages | Technical Support | Facebook Group | Telegram Group