Aml Pages Notes Organizer Site
"The tools we use have a profound (and devious!) influence on our thinking habits,
and, therefore, on our thinking abilities…" (© Edsger  W.Dijkstra)
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How to get Aml Pages free of changeHow to get licensed Aml Pages free

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We offer several ways to get free of the Aml Pages (your choice)

  1. Article in Wikipedia
  2. You are a editor of the Wikipedia? Write an article on Wikipedia about Aml Pages and get a license for free.

  3. Review writing : Blog | Forums | Discussion List | Social Network Service
  4. You can write a review about using Aml Pages and place it on a blog, forum, discussion list, social network service (e.g. Facebook) and get a licensed copy of Aml Pages for free.
    See sample articles in English here; in Russian here.

  5. Writing review about Aml Pages on BetaNews.Com
  6. You can write a review about Aml Pages and vote on the most popular web sites:
    Make a review and tell me about it.
    You need to have a registered account on

  7. Creating a training video, tutorial, or presentation about Aml Pages
  8. You can create a training video, tutorial, or a video-presentation about using Aml Pages and get a licensed copy of Aml Pages for free. Place Your video on Youtube.
    For samples movies, see here.
    You can use FastStone Capture or free software Wink for video creation.

  9. Translate the our description
  10. Translate our description of Aml Pages to any language and get Aml Pages as free.
    We need the following descriptions as of now:
    • German
    • Portuguese
    • French
    Use the English description as base for your translation.

  11. Proofreading
  12. Proofreading of English description, of user interface and etc.

  13. Link to our site
  14. If you own a well-visited website, you can place a link to, in return, receive free registration for Aml Pages. The registration key received is valid as long as your site contains the above-mentioned link.

  15. Web design, icons, UI
  16. You are Web designer, or painter, or UI-architect? Please, help us! We need Your tips, reviews, help.

  17. Plugins Development
  18. We offer free lifetime registration to all plugins writers. See file plugins.h from Aml Pages distributiv. Many plugins is distributed with source code.
    Aml Pages Plugin API + SDK

    Читаем по русски? Детальная информация о бесплатной регистрации русской версии Aml Pages (или регистрации со скидкой) опубликована в русском разделе сайта. Обратите внимание, в русском разделе есть и некоторые способы регистрации, которых нет в английском разделе.

    E.g. You can create data saving tool (plugin, extension) for any other applications: Microsoft Word, Outloook, The Bat, Opera and etc. via AmlDataSender COM Library. [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  19. Translate documentation to English language
  20. Aml Pages documentation has been translated into the following languages: English
    Important: Before you decide to make a translation, make sure you contact us!

  21. Aml Pages Interface Translation
  22. Help translating and proof-reading Aml Pages and get a free registration. For receiving language file of UI, contact to us, please!

  23. More…
  24. We give you a free license for Aml Pages, if you inform us with an important reason why we should do it.

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