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Reviews about Aml Maple

What is Aml Maple: Aml Maple has a new kind of view on keyboard layout indicators... - Aml Maple
The review about using of Aml Maple by independent writer in English. You may read it here:
Aml Maple — a handy layout indicator for multi-language users
Aml Maple is a uniquely useful tool that places the layout indicator right next to your text cursor and highlights different layouts with different colors. With Aml Maple installed on your PC, you will make fewer typos after selecting a wrong layout and typing a few words without looking at the screen.
Aml Maple - the language indicator reinvented!
The editors have called the program "the best among the like" or the most promising in its class.
Aml Maple 1.92, Dancing In Languages (©
The review about using of Aml Maple by independent writer in English. You may read it here:
Aml Maple in Wikipedia (in Russian)
Aml Maple: Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

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