What's new in this version of Aml Pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Web Site: http://www.amlpages.com/home_ap_dld.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amlpages Telegram: https://t.me/amlpages VKontakte: https://vk.com/aml_pages Forum: http://www.amlpages.com/home_forum.php Support: http://www.amlpages.com/home_support.php Email: amlpages@amlpages.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 10.02 (build 2974, January/22/2025) [+] all requests for temporary text editing (without disabling "Read-only document", "Read-only Node") with a timeout of 10 seconds; [*] Fixed: Editor background update after creating a child node if the parent node is "Read Only"; [+] Node creation dialog: "Syntax Highlighting" submenu is checked if syntax highlighting is selected for the node being created; [+] When creating/inserting a sticky note, the syntax highlighting selected in the confirmation dialog is applied; [+] More information in the "Nodes\Properties" dialog; [+] added: plain text formatting commands are available for use after temporarily enabling text editing in "Read-only" mode (document, node, view-only mode); [+] added: bottom panel - plugin panel buttons are drawn with their own background; [+] added: bottom panel - plugin buttons are separated by a separator; [*] fixed: the bottom panel in the toolbar buttons showed a standard icon instead of plugin icons; [*] menu Tools\Languages renamed to "Localized Versions"; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 10.02 (build 2971, January/16/2025) [+] added requests for editing text in "Viewing-only" and "Read-only document" modes: now all request functions work; [*] removed leads separators in the main toolbar; Version 10.02 (build 2970, January/13/2025) [*] fixed: node text was not saved when temporarily removing the "Read-only" document mode; [*] improvements in Document Options (hints for the backup folder); [+] added a new version of the Aml Assist plugin 3.62 with support Aml Pages 10.02; [+] new version of the Aml2Dropbox 2.69 with support Aml Pages 10.02; Version 10.02 (build 2969, December/10/2024) [*] fixes in the text editor: looping of link highlighting, syntax highlighting, drawing of bookmarks after scrolling the text with the mouse wheel (the entire visible range of text was parsed, drawn and highlighted indefinitely/forever); [*] tooltip in the text editor with a pointer (TTS_BALLOON); [+] added: double-clicking the mouse in an empty area of the main Aml Pages window switches the main window to maximized mode or back from maximized; [+] added the command line switch "/nodelay"; [*] by default, links in the text editor are highlighted using Windows tools; [*] warning message: offers the option "Show document file properties" when opening a write-protected document; [+] the "Notify About News" command has been added to the right click menu above the right bookmarks panel (it is also in the Quick Settings menu); [*] changed: by default, the "Change panel background color when losing focus" setting is OFF; [*] fixed: additional label sorting options in the "Boomarks" panel; [*] fixed flickering of the tree panel when gaining or losing focus (only the selected tree node is invalidated); [*] information about hot keys in the right-click menu above the main window title; [+] new version of PluginAPI; [+] added a new version of the LogView 1.08 plugin; [+] all localized versions of Aml Pages have been updated (Ukrainian, German, French, Spanish, Brazilian, Italian and others); [*] Text Editor menu commands "Copy URL", "Open URL" have been renamed to "Copy link address", "Open link, etc."; [*] Double buffering of the tree is disabled by default (TVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER); [*] Fixed flickering of tooltips for hyperlinks in the text editor; [+] Added restoring the position and size of the main window at startup (if special settings are not specified: expand, minimize, minimize on autostart); [+] Added the "Show formatting in tooltips" command to the "Quick settings" menu (disabled by default); [*] Hot keys in the menu and window title show their actual status (not settings); [+] Added the ability to drag the Aml Pages window around the screen with left click in an empty space of the main window (if the window is not maximized); [+] New version of the plugin engine: accelerated the work of event handlers in DLL plugins; [+] Added the "/nodelay" command line switch; [+] added menu command "Edit\Copy+\Copy as link"; [+] added: now when trying to edit text in a "Read-only" document, 2 options are offered: disable "Read-only" mode permanently, or allow editing the document text here and now, but leave RO mode enabled; [+] tooltips to the quick settings menu show the settings and state of hot keys; [+] the quick settings menu shows how many hot keys are installed (see the "Hot keys" submenu); [*] the "show tooltips for menu commands" setting has been removed (see Tools\Settings, Usability tab); [+] a command for setting hot keys has been added to the context menu by right-clicking on the main window title; [+] the tooltip for the tray icon shows the hot key for activating\collapsing Aml Pages; [+] the title of the main window shows the hot key for activating\minimize Aml Pages; [+] added extended tooltip with tips to the menu command "Insert\Date and Time"; [+] new version of PluginAPI (added getting the Favorites icon: AML_ICONID_FAVORITES); [*] changed the font of the right bookmarks panel, now it is the same as the left panel; [*] changed the layout of the "Hot keys" tab in the settings; [*] changed the layout of the Usability tab (AP Settings); [*] Disabled the command to insert a bookmark on a line; [*] Changed the layout of the "Miscellaneous" tab (settings); [+] "Buy now" in the main toolbar (for the unregistered version); [*]The News button in the toolbar with a hint background; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 10.01 (build 2964, October/1/2024) [*] fixed increased CPU load after several minutes of Aml Pages running; [+] added: the gray Aml Pages icon is shown in the tray if there are no open documents; [+] added: Paragraph marks increase indents when highlighted in the text editor (experimental); [+] new version of the Aml2Dropbox plugin 2.68; [+] added a new version of the Aml Assist plugin 3.61 with support for the new version of Aml Pages 10.01; [*] removed the keyboard layout poll in the main window, now only through notifications (less CPU load); [*] Aml Pages update renewal moved to its own section of the site: http://amlpages.com/Rus/register_renewal.htm ; [*] Improved UI/UX in the "Miscellaneous" tab in the settings dialog (more tips, highlighting); [+] the "System Information" link has been added to the "About the program" dialog; [+] information about the Windows installation date has been added to the About the program dialog; [*] the address of the English RSS feed has been changed. The new address is http://www.amlpages.com/news_en.xml ; [+] added: new version library ColorDlg.DLL 5.12 (color selection library); [*] improved, detailed tooltip for the "Highlight hyperlinks myself" menu command; [+] More information about Windows in the "About" dialog (the "System Info" section); [+] The "System Information" link has been added to the "About" dialog; Version 10.00 (build 2963, September/16/2024) [+] Syntax highlighting does not reset the background color if background highlighting is disabled in the configuration; [+] Information about the syntax highlighting configuration (bold, background) has been added to the tooltip for the Tools\Settings menu; Version 10.00 (build 2962, September/3/2024) [+] added: when moving the caret to a line with a bookmark, the date of bookmark creation is shown in the status bar; [+] the "Highlight Bookmarks background" command has been added to the "Node Type" button menu (see the main toolbar); [+] the tooltip for tree nodes shows the cursor position settings when opening a node; [*] the highlighting of the background of bookmarks in the text editor has been changed (the setting to highlight the background of the text only affects the background, the font attributes always change); [*] Margins have been changed in the text editor: offset from the top; [*] the cursor position in the text after opening a node in the Text Editor has been fixed; [+] the tooltip for tree nodes shows the cursor position settings when opening a node; [*] more information about the configuration has been added to the tooltip for the Tools\Settings menu; Version 10.00 (build 2961, July/23/2024) [+] improved processing of the “Apply Style” command (Ctrl+Shift+S): if the Font panel is hidden, it is shown immediately; if the list of styles is hidden in the Font panel, it is also shown immediately; [+] gdiScaling, dpiAware, dpiAwareness disabled; [+] information of HighDPI has been added to the "About the Program" dialog; [+] information about the configuration of syntax highlighting (Bold, Background, etc.) has been added to the “About the program” window; [+] added Russian description of command line keys (see menu "Help\Command Line Keys"); [*] tooltip to the Tools\Settings menu also shows the name of the color groups file; [*] the highlighting of marks in the text has been changed: for lines with marks, increased line spacing is used; [+] released all localized vesions of Aml Pages: Ukrainian, German, French, Spanish and many more; [*] the empty MDI frame has been changed: on the right is the "Tips and Tricks Panel" command, the "Check For Updates" command in the list on the left; [*] updated tips (see panel "View\Toolbars\Tips And Tricks"); Version 10.00 (build 2959, July/15/2024) [+] the implementation of the "Install plugin" command has been changed: if you do not have permission to write to the plugins folder, then options are offered (restart as admin, show folder properties, LogonAsAdmin); [+] if LogonAsUser fails for the “Plugins\Install Plugin” command, it is suggested to execute the "Restart as admin" command; [*] the tooltip for the menu command "Restart as admin" shows a ban icon if there is no write access to the plugins folder; [*] added an extended tooltip to the menu command "Plugins\Install plugin"; Version 10.00 (build 2958, July/11/2024) [*] the position of the cursor in the text after opening the node in the Text Editor has been changed; Version 10.00 (build 2957, May/24/2024) [+] the "Tips" tab has been added to the right side bar; [+] the nodes sorting menu shows the selected sorting settings in bold; [+] the "Close" command has been added to the "Tips and Tricks" panel menu; [+] added: when starting a text search in a document, the selected text from the right panel is searched (if there is a selection); [+] added: when you select the "Nodes Tabs" tab in the settings dialog, the nodes bar is highlighted; [+] new version of Plugin API; [*] fixed sorting of tree nodes by date (for the command File\New\Diary, Insert\List of Pages); [*] fixed: reloading node text into the editor when clicking on a search result in the results panel; [*] clicking on the "News" tab in the right side bar of bookmarks shows/hides the News panel; [*] fixed the formation of text search results for web pages; [*] creating a list of nodes by dates immediately sorts them by creation dates + changes the dates of created nodes to the dates from the header; [*] settings for tree node flags are disabled; [*] commands for managing tree node flags have been removed from the tree context menus (they were deprecated a long time ago); [*] changed the default setting "Show right side bar" (on); [*] blink link to the article "What are quick settings" when starting the settings dialog; Version 9.99 (build 2956, May/15/2024) [+] the promotion has started on BitsDuJour.com - Aml Pages: 50% discount - here https://www.bitsdujour.com/software/aml-pages ; [+] improve running of command "Mark All Readed" (in-memory implementation); [*] changed: formatting of News (less images from web site); [+] added the new version of the ChangeLog 1.37 (plugin); [*] changed: updating of commands "As Childrens Only\All Childrens"; Version 9.99 (build 2955, May/7/2024) [*] fixed: hyperlinks were not highlighted after opening a node text; [+] added: the button "Syntax Highlighting" show of status of syntax highlighting (on the "Format" toolbar); Version 9.99 (build 2954, April/6/2024) [+] many info in the tooltips for tray menu commands; [+] added: buttons highlighting in main toolbar; [*] improve making of submenu for button "Node Type" on toolbar; [*] fixed: marking a document as modified when creating a text editor panel; [+] in the menu of the "Node Type" toolbar button, the menu command "Highlight hyperlinks of the Aml Pages itself" has been added; [+] new version of the Aml2Dropbox 2.67 plugin with support for the latest version of the Aml Pages Plugin API; Version 9.99 (build 2951, April/1/2024) [+] for the menu command "Format\Standard Font" the shortcut key "Ctrl+\" has been added [+] added deferred clearing of the text editor's undo pool when opening node text; [+] submenus shown accelerators for the “Undo” and “Redo” commands; [*] the checkboxes in the tree menu commands "Choose background\text color" have been removed (for color, see the command "Standard Color"); [*] fixed: the first mouse move over the text with hyperlinks to other nodes marked the document as modified; [*] changes in the UX\UI of the search dialog; Version 9.99 (build 2950, March/25/2024) [+] the menu command "Format\Clear Formatting" has been added to the context menu of plain text nodes; [+] the menu command "Format\Standard Font" has been added to the context menu of rich text nodes; [+] added a tooltip for the "Tools\Backup Explorer" command; [+] added new version of plugin ChangeLog (URL for Aml2CHM plugin); Version 9.99 (build 2949, February/20/2024) [+] added: new mennu command "Format\Font As Default"; [+] button "Node Type" shown accelerator (Alt+A); [+] added: new version of plugin Aml2CHM 3.50 (support of newest Aml Pages 9.99, fixed invalid order in a CHM-file; [*] fixed: plugins engine for tree-pass plugins; [+] Aml Assist plugin: placed the open document first in the “My Files” submenu; [+] Aml Assist plugin: placed the “Add as web page” menu command first if it is available for use; [+] Aml Assist in the "My Files" submenu shows the open document; [+] new version of Plugin API; [*] removed submenu "Bookmarks" from text editor menu; Version 9.99 (build 2948, February/14/2024) [+] changed the icon selection dialog: now by default: search does not start, does not search in subfolders, does not search in *.exe; [+] the dialog for selecting the parent page folder in the "Create Node" menu has been changed; [*] optimization of auto-highlighting of hyperlinks in the text editor; [*] the text editor setting "Show line number in Selection Bar" has been banned; [*] fixed: switching the view of a text page with children from text\to the list of children\back to text marked the document as changed; [*] optimized background search for icons when creating pages; Version 9.99 (build 2947, February/7/2024) [*] URLs of some frequently asked questions and articles have been changed; [+] added a hyperlink to a video about saving web pages using Aml Assist; [*] updated tips of the day; [*] fixed: when deleting document pages to the trash can from the right panel of the list, the "Trash" branch was not automatically shown in the tree; [+] a hyperlink to a video about saving web pages using Aml Assist has been added to the articles; [+] added to the article “How to fix dragging to the Aml Assist panel from Firefox”; [+] a link to the article “How to fix dragging onto a panel” has been added to the “About” dialog Aml Assist from Firefox"; [+] in the dialog for checking a new version, a hint to information about checking the version; [+] added a new version of the ChangeLog plugin 1.36 (new display of the change history: bug fixes, improvements, innovations in different colors); Version 9.99 (build 2946, February/5/2024) [+] added: menu commands "Document Read Only", "View Only", "Page Read Only", "Protect Page with Password" show their status (on/off) in the tooltip; [+] added: menu commands “Document Read Only”, “View Only”, “Page Read Only”, “Protect Page with Password” are drawn in bold when enabled; [+] returned the ability to rename pages in the right panel (list); [+] the context menu in the right panel (list) by Shift+F10 is shown under the selected element; [+] the "Close" (document) command has been added to the tray menu (notification area); [+] added: the tooltip for the "Close All" menu command shows a list of open documents; Version 9.99 (build 2945, February/2/2024) [+] added: after renaming node in the tree resort the branch (alphabetical order and etc settings); [+] added: RTF->Text conversion shown the setting "Save Formatting"; [*] fixed: command "Remove Node" when press delete in the right pane; [+] added: supports of color groups in the right list of nodes; [*] fixed: content redrawing in the web-nodes after changing of splitter position; [+] added a new version of the AutoReplace plugin 2.16 (fixed: autoreplace in the URLs); Version 9.99 (build 2942, December/29/2023) [+] added: double-clicking past the buttons in the News panel closes the panel; [+] New Year's discounts have started. See here http://www.amlpages.com/ap_reg.php; [+] added a new version of the LogView 1.06 plugin; [+] Aml Assist plugin command "Add Text To Node" will correctly paste URLs from the clipboard; [*] Aml Pages work has been accelerated (excessive logging has been removed); [+] added an extended tooltip to the "Write log file" menu command; [+] Plugin API AddText2Node command adds a URL with a space at the end; Version 9.99 (build 2941, December/24/2023) [*] the "Check new version"command has been added to the right click menu on the main window title; [+] added: command "CFU" shown announcement about NY-discounts; [*] fixed permanent insertion line in the tree when selecting an item in the list of child pages in the right panel; Version 9.99 (build 2939, December/19/2023) [+] added: when the tree does not have input focus, the text of the selected node is drawn in the color of the border; [+] added: when changing a parent in the page creation dialog, the parent node is immediately highlighted in the tree; [+] added: when selecting a Favorites menu command, the corresponding node in the tree is highlighted; [+] tooltips for Favorites menu commands are shown by node icons; [+] added: tooltips for text editor library selection menu commands display the DLL version; Version 9.99 (build 2938, December/11/2023) [+] improved standard dialog "Open"; [*] many fixes for the text editor; Version 9.99 (build 2937, November/2/2023) [+] added export of documents to XML with conversion of nodes to plain text withm simple text formatting; [+] added a new version of the Aml Assist 3.56 plugin (+ the name of the active document in the tooltip to the floating panel); [*] fixes in the Aml Assit 3.56 plugin ("My Files" menu commands, any command always opened the same first document from the list); [+] more icons for Aml Assist plugin menu commands; [+] new version of ChangeLog 1.33 (with hyperlinks); [+] added a new version of the plugin interface (Aml Pages Plugin API, + more access to icons); [+] added a new version of the plugin interface (Aml Pages Plugin API, + more options for building a plugin menu); Version 9.98 (build 2936, October/27/2023) [+] when the web page editing mode is enabled, the "Edit HTML" menu command is marked as default; Version 9.98 (build 2935, October/24/2023) [+] noticeable indication of the state of the menu command "Full path in the window title"; [+] noticeable indication of the state of the menu command "Open at startup"; [+] new version of the Aml2Dropbox 2.66 plugin with support for the latest version of the Aml Pages Plugin API; [+] support for APF_SEP_BEFORE\AFTER flags in the Plugin API; [+] information about the latest version found on the site (CFU); [*] more sensible hint for the menu command "Check new version"; Version 9.98 (build 2934, October/18/2023) [+] added: unopened tabs in the top tab bar in History mode are drawn in gray; [+] added: the nodes tabs panel draws a red frame for the selected tab; [*] disables moving the tabs to the left in the History panel when clicking on the tab; [+] added a new version of the plugin interface (Aml Pages Plugin API, + more options for building a plugin menu); [*] fixed: SetCurSel nodes tabs in the top tab bar after opening a document; [*] corrected highlighting of es-hyperlinks (both links and words that included the symbols "es:" were highlighted); [*] fixed: behavior of selecting the Favorites tabs mode in the nodes tabs panel button; Version 9.98 (build 2933, October/14/2023) [+] added menu command "View\Toolbars\Bottom Pane"; [+] added command line key "/open_rootID" (when opening documents, activate the root node); Version 9.98 (build 2932, September/1/2023) [+] added background asynchronous loading of text templates when starting Aml Pages; [*] faster opening of the page text when clicking on a node in the tree; [+] new version of Aml Assist 3.54 plugin has been added (adding text to the nodes, including source URL); [+] Backup Explorer shows the name of the log file; [+] commands "As Childrens Only\As All Childrens" are added to the context menu of the right panel; [+] double clicking on a node in the tree activates the text editor (right panel); [*] when double-clicking on a tree node, the focus is moved to the right panel; [*] when double-clicking on a tree node, the node is collapsed/expanded, but execution continues; [*] changed the default settings "What to do when double clicking on a node in the tree"; [*] fixed: horizontal scroll blink in the text editor when opening a rich text page; [*] fixed: highlighted document tab at the bottom of the Aml Pages window when there are no open documents (all are closed, or launching Aml Pages without creating an empty document, or automatic opening a document) [*] + more information in the menu command "Copy version"; Version 9.98 (build 2931, August/30/2023) [*] fixed: updating tabs in the History panel; [*] fixed: the "Format\Font" command set the font for all text instead of the plain text selected for nodes when the "Keep plain text formatting" setting is enabled (it should only be for selected text); [*] fixed: position of "Add file" dialog tooltip (Files panel); [*] changes in hot-drawing of the tree/editor separator; [*] changed hot-drawing of splitter tree\text; [*] many small fixes for the nodes tabs bar drawing; Version 9.98 (build 2929, August/21/2023) [*] critical bug fix: excessive CPU usage when the Nodes Tabs bar (top nodes bar) is enabled; [+] added setting "Tree\Double buffering" (Quick settings menu, enabled by default); [+] added new version of plugin interface (Aml Pages Plugin API); [+] added hidden control of the left sidebar (file hide_left_bar.hide_left_bar, see "About\Control Files"); [*] disabled setting "Show dialog for new node" (always used, A\B-test for demand); Version 9.98 (build 2927, August/15/2023) [+] updated all localized versions of Aml Pages: Ukrainian, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish; [*] fixed: appearance of a hint to the separator above the text editor scroll on the right; [+] more hints for menu commands - good and different. Explanations of what commands for what types of pages, hotkey settings, etc.; [+] links to articles on the topic at the office have been added to the context menus. site; [*] FIXED: the "Check for new version" menu command from the right-click menu above the toolbars did not work; [+] InfoBk background color for "Help\Articles" menu commands; [+] hot-drawing of the tree/editor separator when the mouse is over it; [*] increased the interval of displaying the tooltip above the tree\editor separator; Version 9.98 (build 2926, July/26/2023) [+] added: when closing an unsaved document, tabs to the nodes of such a document are removed from the History panel; [+] added inverted of the marker of attached files in the tree; [*] Fixed: position of the attached files marker in the tree when the "Selected Node Larger" setting is set; [*] fixed: behavior of the History panel when creating a new document on startup (no tabs selected); [*] changes in the UI of the "Create Nodes List" dialog; [*] Disabled the Quick Settings menu command "Show Menu ToolTips" (used by default); Version 9.98 (build 2925, July/22/2023) [*] fixed: show horizontale scrollbal in tree pane when renamed node; [+] added a new version of the AutoReplace plugin 2.15 (fixed unsaved checkmark settings in the AutoReplace list, creation of a settings file with the least security attributes, uses new Aml Pages Plugin API); [+] added new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.31; [+] added a new version of Aml Assist 3.53 plugin has been added; [+] added a new version of Aml Auto Completion 2.10 plugin has been added; [+] added the new version of the Aml Pages plugin engine has been added; [+] updated version of Aml Pages Plugin API; Version 9.98 (build 2924, July/17/2023) [+] added: when highlighting hyperlinks, the final quotes (',") are considered as the end of the link; [+] "Pin" command added to the context menu above subpanel icons in the bottom panel (returns the panel to the bottom of the Aml Pages main window); [*] Fixed: crash when opening a page\document by clicking on a bookmark in the History panel in an empty created document when starting Aml Pages; [+] added: "Bottom panel" command to the context menu of the tree/editor separator; [+] added: "Bottom panel" command to the context menu of the bottom panel; [*] Fixed: flickering of bookmark markers in the text editor when changing the selection\position of the caret (text cursor); [*] fixed: background of label markers in the text editor depending on settings (highlight the background of bookmarks, RO-mode of the text editor, etc.); [+] Added Plugin API commands: AC_MENUCMD_NAME, AC_MENUCMD_PATH, AC_MENUCMD_EXEC, AC_CHECK_ACCESS_TOKEN; Version 9.98 (build 2923, July/12/2023) [+] added: AutoReplace plugin asks for confirmation to save changed settings; [*] stop symbols for autotext of text templates have been changed; [+] added: text template editor shows valid and stop characters for autotext in tooltip; [+] Improved installation of currently running plugins using the "Plugins\Install Plugin" menu command; Version 9.98 (build 2922, July/11/2023) [+] added: new macros $WEEKNUM$, $WEEKNUM02$ into text templates (week number); Version 9.98 (build 2921, July/10/2023) [+] added: text templates supports autotext now; [+] added: menu of text templates shown autotext\hotkeys; [+] added: statistics of text templates (usage count); [+] improve UI of the text templates editor; [*] improve openning of node text on navigation in tree by keyboard; Version 9.98 (build 2920, July/3/2023) [+] added new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.52 (improve context menu on right click on the float pane); [+] added article "How to renew updates for the Aml Pages"; Version 9.98 (build 2919, June/13/2023) [+] now the upper node tabs bar History also saves non-pinned bookmarks between sessions; [+] added a tooltip to the right-click menu (MRU-paths, etc.); [+] "Create Copy" command has been added to the context menu of the tree; [*] fixed: after the "Nodes\Create Copy" command, the page name in the Title panel was not updated; [*] improved operation of the History tabs panel (mouse tracking over the hot-tab); [*] added: the current state is included in the tooltip for settings how to highlight hyperlinks; [*] added article "How to enter a license key"; Version 9.98 (build 2918, June/6/2023) [+] added: export of documents into XML: nodes dates, colors, comments and many more; [+] added: export of documents into XML save plain text formatting; [*] changed demo-document (sample.apd); [*] changed: setting "Highlight hyperlinks" default; [*] fixed: notification about unreaded news; [+] changed: formatting of news pane; [+] added: new version of tips; [+] added new version of plugins engine;; [+] added new version of Plugin API; Version 9.97 (build 2912, May/5/2023) [+] notification about news shown posts titles; [+] changed UI layout and behavior for news notification; [+] added new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.49; Version 9.97 (build 2910, April/29/2023) [+] added new version of plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.64; [*] many changes in the plugins engine; Version 9.97 (build 2909, April/7/2023) [+] added accelerators Alt+0, Alt+1 for activation of left/right pane (tree/text editor); [+] added: new menu command "Tools\Restart As Admin"; [*] fixed: does not show MDI-links in the tray menu after autostart of Aml Pages; [*] fixes and improvements for the command "Quick Settings\Mute Mode"; [*] fixed: AppUtil::IsExistDirectory; Version 9.97 (build 2906, March/23/2023) [*] improvement for the Win10\11; [*] many bug fixes for right pane; Version 9.97 (build 2905, March/9/2023) [*] fixes in drawing the empty main window of Aml Pages (GDI resource leak); [*] fixed: "Open file" command was unavailable if all documents are closed and the Files panel is active (message routing); Version 9.97 (build 2904, March/7/2023) [+] added: show "Save settings" in the Quick Options menu; [*] changed: commands order in the submenu Nodes; [*] many fixed in drawing of empty main window of Aml Pages; [+] added: dialog "New Node" show tooltips for disabled controls; Version 9.97 (build 2903, March/4/2023) [*] changed: show info about attached files in the confirmation of node deletion; [+] added: double click on the Files pane exec command "Attach File"; [*] fixed: does not close of thumbnail icon at Alt+F4; [*] changed: the setting "Enable RO-mode for documents with password"; [*] changed: ini-file name for the portable versions (now AmlPages.ini); [*] changed: MDI-links saved into ini-file; [*] changed: enlarged thumbnail icon at Alt+Tab; [*] fixed: delete plain text formatting on the clear node text; [*] fixed: does not show bottom palens from context menu on splitter; Version 9.97 (build 2902, February/28/2023) [*] critical bug fix: fixed hangup when use the menu commands File\Open\Save As (behavior of standard Open\Save dialogs); [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.97 (build 2901, February/27/2023) [*] comeback all features for the MyDemoDoc.apd (for first launching); [+] added: new version of demo-document (sample.apd); Version 9.97 (build 2900, February/23/2023) [*] fixed: does not save plain text formatting in the read-only nodes; [*] fixed: does not save plain text formatting in the read-only documents; [*] fixed: does not save plain text formatting in the view-only mode; [*] fixed: does not save changes in the read-only nodes; [+] added menu command "Attach Images" into the splitter popup menu; Version 9.97 (build 2898, February/10/2023) [+] menu command "Format\Clear Formatting" remove formatting for plain text; [+] added: hints for the menu command "Save Formatting" (menu Quick Settings); [*] changed installer of Aml Pages; Version 9.97 (build 2897, February/7/2023) [+] added: when selecting a folder in the tree panel, the selection is removed from all tabs of the History panel; [*] Fixed reset of plain text formatting when changing text editor settings (link highlighting); [*] the formation of the menu of the "Syntax Highlighting" button in the Format toolbar has been changed; [*] menu commands "Scroll the tree panel left/right" have been removed from the Quick Settings menu (they are not used); Version 9.97 (build 2896, February/3/2023) [+] improved hyperlinks highlighting in text editor (no vertical blinking, module REUtil.DLL); [+] added: new module REUtil.DLL (RichEdit Helper Functions); [+] changed: show tab in pane History on selection of tree node; [+] added new version of module REUtil.DLL (RichEdit Helper Functions); [+] new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.28; [+] new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.48; [*] fixed: hyperlinks highlighting in text editor by Aml Pages; [*] fixed: email highlighting in text editor; [*] many small changes in the Log-engine;; [*] changed: the setting "Scroll first\last lines in text editor" disabled as default; [+] added: tip for tabs pane (mode "History"); [*] enlarged limits of nodes for the trial version of Aml Pages; Version 9.96 (build 2895, January/27/2023) [+] added: tabs to the demo-document (sample.apd) into Tabs bar (mode History, one time only); [*] fixed: option "Highlight Hyperlinks Self" (Quick Options menu\dialog, tab Editor); Version 9.96 (build 2892, December/31/2022) [+] added: custom draw menu for History pane tabs; [*] fixed: History bar showed menu to WRONG tab when pressing Alt+Space; [*] fixed: marking a document as modified when manipulating the hyperlink parsing settings in the Quick Settings menu; [*] fixed: background color of bookmarks in a text editor; [*] fixed: the text in the editor twitched if the setting "Highlight hyperlinks by itself" was disabled; [*] fixed: for some reason, parsing of ALL internal hyperlinks of Aml Pages was performed when changing the text and vertical scrolling, although only a visible fragment of text is enough; [*] fixed: for some reason, parsing of ALL standard hyperlinks was performed when changing the text and vertical scrolling, although only a visible fragment of the text is enough; [*] when scrolling and changing the text, standard hyperlinks are NOT parsed if the settings are set to recognize links by the code of Windows itself; [*] significantly accelerated the opening of LARGE texts in the editor due to the correct recognition of hyperlinks (see items above); significantly accelerated the opening of LARGE texts in the editor due to the correct recognition of hyperlinks (see items above); Version 9.96 (build 2891, December/24/2022) [+] added: many more info for menu tooltips for command "Text Editor\Highlight Hyperlinks Itself"; [+] added: tooltips in text editor uses font of editor; Version 9.96 (build 2890, December/10/2022) [*] changed: plain text formatting save only when node has unsaved changes; [+] added: new engine for tags of log-messages; [+] added: tags for log-messages; [+] new version of plugin LogView 1.05 (added: tags, changes columns order); [*] changed: UI of formatting styles editor; [+] added: new version of plugin API (+ support tags for logging); Version 9.96 (build 2889, December/5/2022) [*] fixed: saving of plain text formatting; [+] added: menu command "Reset Formatting" into context menu of text editor; [+] new version of fonts engine; [+] added: icom for menu command "Format\Font"; Version 9.96 (build 2888, November/30/2022) [*] fixed: removing of plain text formatting from attachments; [+] added: plain text formatting contains info about window class name of text editor; [*] removed: the plugin Aml2LeaderTask (the plugin is available on official web site); Version 9.96 (build 2887, November/25/2022) [+] new version of plugin LogView 1.04 (fixed: crash on showing of largest messages); [+] added: delayed formatting of plain text; [+] added: context menu on right click in Find\Replace dialog; [+] Check For Updates: added link "Download from official web site"; [*] changed: right bar is hidden as default; [*] added: more logs for saving\applying plain text formatting; [*] removed plugin Aml2LeaderTask (the plugin is available on web site); [*] fixed: dates formatting exclude weekdaynames; [*] fixed: hyperlink to Telegram group; Version 9.96 (build 2886, November/8/2022) [+] added: copy-paste of Aml Pages nodes also copy-paste data of plain text formatting; [*] changed: setting "Highlight Standard Hyperlinks"; [*] fixed: does not start the Replace dialog, when already started "Find In Text" dialog; [*] fixed: bugs on vertical scrolling of text editor, if text has many more hyperlinks; [*] changed: dialogs Replace\Find In Text; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog; [+] added: new version of plugin LogView; [*] fixed: Uninstaller Aml Pages; [*] removed: oldest setting "Title of new documents by date\time"; [*] removed: oldest setting "Allow encryption of individual nodes"; Version 9.96 (build 2884, October/21/2022) [+] added: shown format menu commands in the context menu of text editor, when setting "Save Formatting" is enabled; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.47: uses new Plugin API; [+] added: GGSoundUtil.dll (sound management, Mute Mode); [+] tooltip for menu command "Nodes\Properties" shown formatting of plain text; [+] added: formatting styles editor uses background picture of text editor; [+] save latest strings for command Edit\Replace; [*] improved and fixed Edit\Replace; [*] fixed: insert Replace-string in searched text not found; Version 9.96 (build 2883, October/18/2022) [*] changed: ignore bookmarks background on saving of plain text formatting; [+] changed: syntax highlighting (keywords highlights at latest); [*] fixed: on Escape in the Font Bar collapse of dropped lists; [*] fixed: copy\paste plain text with formatting; [+] added: menu commands "Copy\Paste Format" in the context menu of text editor; [+] changed context menu for splitter of tree\text; [*] fixed: menu command "Format\Styles\Remove Style"; [*] changed: syntax highlighting HTML; [*] changed: syntax highlighting "As Carc" (added keyword ">>>"); [+] Font Bar: shown accelerators in tooltips; [+] changed: menu on Header Bar (under node icon); [+] menu command "Format\Standard" enabled, when "Save Formatting Of Plain Text" is checked; [+] text editor: button "Replace All" suggest to replace from begin of text; [*] tree pane: tooltips show size of plain text formatting; Version 9.96 (build 2882, October/14/2022) [*] changed: retrieve/save formatting of plain text from/to attachments; [*] changed: new implementation formatting of plain text as default; [+] added: node tooltips shown info about formatting of plain text; [*] changed: more uses color choosing dialog with title; [+] added: menu command "Plugins\Refresh List" can go to "Plugins Files" in the about dialog; [+] added: new setting "Extends Background" (see Quick Settings menu, uses RE-style SES_EXTENDBACKCOLOR); [+] added: submenu "Plugins" shown with icons after rebuilding; [+] added: About-dialog show information about ColorDlg.DLL; [*] new web-page "How To Install Plugin"; Version 9.96 (build 2881, October/12/2022) [+] added: color choosing window has title; [*] critical bug fix: does not close dialog settings on button OK (in the Russian version); [+] added: menu command "Close" in the settings dialog (with confirmation); [*] many bug fixes in the saving formatting of plain text; [*] changed: disabled using style SES_EXTENDBACKCOLOR for the text editor; Version 9.96 (build 2880, October 11, 2022) [+] added: accelerator Ctrl+Alt+C for menu command "Highlight Color"; [+] added: accelerator Alt+C for menu command "Font Color"; [+] added: accelerators Ctrl+\Ctrl- for menu commands "Increase\Decrease Font"; [*] fixed: size of tab "Document" in the Settings dialog; Version 9.96 (build 2879, October 10, 2022) [+] added: saving of plain text formatting; [+] added: can use format styles for plain text; [+] added: setting "Save Formatting" (see Quick Settings menu); [+] added: setting "New Nodes As Plain Text" (see Quick Settings menu); [+] added: into sticky notes menu commands "Increase\Decrease Font"; [*] changed: create new nodes as plain text as default; [*] changed: commands "Increase\Decrease Font" applied for word, if not has of selection; [*] changed: demo-document (sample.apd) [*] changed: the tab "Documents" in settings; Version 9.95 (build 2878, October 05, 2022) [*] fixed: duplicate plugin menu item in submenu View; [+] released Deutsche Aml Pages 9.95 build 2878; [+] released Ukrainian Aml Pages 9.95 build 2878; [+] released French Aml Pages 9.95 build 2878; [+] released Italian Aml Pages 9.95 build 2878; [+] released Portuguese Brazilian Aml Pages 9.95 build 2878; Version 9.95 (build 2877, October 03, 2022) [*] many bug fixes in the plugins engine; [+] added: submenu for plugins entities shown as alphabetical order; Version 9.95 (build 2876, September 13, 2022) [*] fixed: building of MRU-files menu; Version 9.95 (build 2875, September 02, 2022) [*] fixed: background color on syntax hightlighting of strings\comments; [*] fixed: does not show MDI-links in main window after changing setting (Save Settings\In Registry\Ini-File); [+] added: tooltips for menu commands shown status (OFF\On, Quick Settings menu); [+] added: hints for menu tooltips for command "(Save SettingsIni-File);" [*] improve: quick free resource on exit (License Control, Options writing and etc); [*] fixed: building plugins menu in main window, when does not exists active document; Version 9.95 (build 2874, August 23, 2022) [+] command "Tools\Restart" start the new instance with command line of running instance; [+] updated syntax highlighting "As Carc" (AsCarc.ash); [+] added new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.24; [+] added: icon for menu command "Tools\Restart"; [*] many more changes in the nagscreen window (icons, new messages); Version 9.95 (build 2873, August 21, 2022) [+] added: the dialog "Node Properties" show size of node in chars; [+] added: nove the dialog "Node Properties" at anywhere; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.46: use symbol "^" when has privilegies as Admin; [+] changed: Aml Assist: tooltip use font of tree pane; [+] added into plugin Aml Assist: draw red indicator, when DND from web browsers is disabled; [+] added into plugin Aml Assist: Check For Updates from dialog "Settings"; [+] added: nagscreen shown price of the Aml Pages; [+] changed: "Copy Version" is copied info about Windows version; [*] changed: version detection API (added: flag "Special Build"); [*] changed dialog "Create New Node": contols drawn info background, if has implemented tooltip; [+] added: the menu command "Restart Aml Pages" open the active node of opened document; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.95 (build 2871, August 15, 2022) [*] critical bug fix: does not work "Changing of node position by dragndrop"; [*] critical bug fix: does not work menu commands "Nodes\Position\Up-Down"; [+] improve documents management engine; [*] command: Aml Pages Restart - reopen the active document; [+] added: new menu command "Tools\Restart"; [+] improve features of nagscreen window; [*] changed: sub menu "Help\More articles"; [*] changed: UI of the Settings dialog; [*] changed: nagscreen uses local images (if possible); Version 9.95 (build 2869, August 06, 2022) [+] Check For Updates use local images from AmlPages.exe; [*] changed context menu on toolbars; [*] changed tooltips in settings, tab "Document"; [+] added: control files list in the About-dialog; Version 9.95 (build 2868, July 04, 2022) [+] added: link to the Telegram group - https://t.me/amlpages ; [+] added: new tooltips for autostart of Aml Pages (+ state); [+] added: new extened tooltips for menu "Settings" (Tree\Editor\Web - added state of main settings); [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.44; [*] changed icons of many menu commands; Version 9.95 (build 2867, June 28, 2022) [*] menu command "Show In Main Window" moved to submenu "Favorites"; [*] changed: templates for the dialog "Check For Updates"; [+] released all localized versions of Aml Pages (German, French, Brazilian and etc); [+] released Polish version of Aml Pages 9.95; [+] released Spanish version of Aml Pages 9.95; [*] new version of CMenuToolTip; Version 9.95 (build 2864, June 22, 2022) [+] changed menu on button Settings in dialog "New Node"; [+] added: can Mimized dialog "New Node"; [*] fixed: crash on showing menu on system tray; [*] fixed: cannot close the dialog "New Node" on Escape; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.94 (build 2863, June 02, 2022) [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.43 (changed: loading resource from DLL, drawing of pane on hot state, added: settings of dragndrop into Aml Assist pane); [*] improvements for setting "Allow dragndrop into Aml Assist pane from web browsers"; [+] released localized versions of Aml Pages 9.94: German, French, Portuguese Brazilian, Italian, Russian and Ukrainian versions; Version 9.94 (build 2861, May 30, 2022) [+] added: settings "Allow dragndrop to Aml Assist pane from web browsers" (see menu Tools\Settings, tab Document); [+] added: new version of the tool ApExit.exe; [+] changed: context menu of Aml Assist pane; [+] added: the tool ApExit.exe has been added into portable versions; [+] added: new tooltips into tab Editor (see menu Tools\Settings); [+] added: description of the tool ApExit.exe in About-dialog; [+] added: tooltip for the splitter of tree/editor in document window; [*] changed: installer of the Aml Pages; [*] changed: context menu of the splitter of tree/editor in document window; [*] fixed: invalid controls tab order in the tab Editor (see Settings, in English version); [*] show DND-setting status in the menu tooltips on button Quick Settings; Version 9.94 (build 2860, May 23, 2022) [+] "Check For Updates" show release date as local time; [+] added new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.23; Version 9.94 (build 2859, May 22, 2022) [+] added: new version of plugin API (+ function AC_LOAD_STRING_STATE); [+] added: new tooltips for menu commands; [+] added: right click menu in the dialog "Create New Node"; [*] new version of plugins engine; [*] fixed: case changing on loading state-strings; [*] changed: tab Usability, dialog Settings; Version 9.94 (build 2858, May 19, 2022) [+] added: style SES_EXTENDBACKCOLOR apply for text nodes automatically; [+] added: syntax highlighting supports background colors; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.62; [*] changed: tab Document, dialog Settings; [*] changed: Settings dialog; Version 9.94 (build 2857, May 13, 2022) [+] added: text editor supports multiselection; [+] added: multiselection in the files management; [+] added: command "More Settings" to bottom of menu in Quick Settings; [+] changed: frames order in settings of fonts; [+] changed: more info in command "Copy Version"; [*] removed: style SES_EXTENDBACKCOLOR from text editor; [*] added: more info about RE version in menu command "Copy Version"; Version 9.94 (build 2856, March 25, 2022) [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.39; [+] added: choosing backroung picture for Text Editor into Settings dialog; [+] changed: dialog Iimport File\Directory; [+] added: latest version of help file in Russian; [+] added: logging into import of files; [*] disabled settings "Use visual styles" for document tabs; [*] fixed: bookmarks icon drawing in text editor; [*] changed: shown target paths in menu commands "File\Send Copy\To Folder\To Folder As ZIP"; Version 9.94 (build 2855, March 15, 2022) [+] added: Alt+3 to manage of right bar; Version 9.94 (build 2854, March 14, 2022) [*] fixed: report about successfully registration; [*] improve compatibility with Windows 11; [+] added: supports new version NLS (national language support) module; Version 9.94 (build 2853, February 14, 2022) [*] fixed: does not show tabs on pane "Last Changed"; [+] added: popup menu of left side bar (right click on empty area); [+] added: popup menu under any toolbar shown icons of plugins commands' [+] added: new version of plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.61; [*] fixed: bug on the enable left pane as list mode, when enabled nodes filters; [*] fixed: drawing of long menu text in submenu Plugins; [*] fixed: cannot change the editor background color in Settings; [*] changed: command "Show In Tree" is availables in popup menu for the pinned tabs; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.94 (build 2852, February 11, 2022) [+] added: new menu command "Copy Version" (right click on main menu caption, right click on the "About Program"); [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.38; [+] added: restore from system tray, when click on menu commands "My Files" on Aml Assist pane; [*] fixed: invalid order of tabs in the pane "Latest Changed" (fixed: reverse order); [*] changed: disables settings of vertical scroller on the tree (now scrolling is at right always); Version 9.94 (build 2851, February 4, 2022) [+] right bar "News": added button Close; [+] added: icon for command "Nodes\Properties"; [*] changed popup menu of toolbar "History"; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.94 (build 2850, January 28, 2022) [+] added: commands "Copy Without Childrens", "Copy With Attached Files" into menu of toolbar button "Copy"; [+] added: Alt+Space show menu on tab bar (History bar); [+] added: smart quotes of selected text place of previous unquoted text into undo pool; [+] added: tips about new documents in the nagscreen; [*] changed: data clipboard format "Aml Pages Clipboard Meta Info"; Version 9.94 (build 2849, January 18, 2022) [*] fixed: Aml Pages does not show date of end of free upgrades; [*] fixed: Aml Pages make invalid nodes order for the plugins; [*] fixed: invalid version number in the Aml Pages installer; Version 9.94 (build 2848, January 17, 2022) [+] added recursive sorting of nodes (if by selected sorting type setting (color, size, dates, node type) pages coincide, in this case pages are compared by headers; [+] added: a tooltip to "Paste" menu command in tree and right panels of child pages shows from where and what data was copied (document name, data size, names of copied tree nodes); [+] in menu of quick settings added link to article what are quick settings; [+] FontUtil::Create_Font_On_Font with collapse, FontUtil::Create_Font_On_Wnd with collapse; [+] posted a new version of the plugin for Aml Pages: LogView 1.03 (view Aml Pages log messages); [*] changed: only visible nodes are highlighted in the tree when you move the mouse in the child panel; [*] fixed: selected node in right panel of child pages was not highlighted correctly (it was getting Screenpoint and not moving it to client pages); [*] fixed: did not show page properties from right panel of child pages; [*] changed color settings for boosted tooltip in the tree; [*] fixed: the "Select" button in the selection window of the parent node of the tree when the window is scrolled vertically [*] fixed: the "Enlarge selected tree node" setting from the settings dialog was not saved; [*] fixed: when clicking the arrow on the Open button in the standard toolbar, MDI links from the main window were not added to the menu; Version 9.93 (build 2846, December 3, 2021) [+] added: new setting "Highlight Bookmarks Background" (see the menu Tools\Settings, tab Panels\Editors); [+] added: new setting "Show selected node larger" (see the Tools\Settings, tab Panels\Tree); [+] changed: tooltips for menu commands on system tray; [+] added: new version of Aml Assist 3.37; [+] changed menu tooltips for commands of button "Node Type"; [+] added: added new article "What Is Quick Settings" into menu Help\More Articles; [+] added: highlight targe node in tree, when menu Paste selected in the right pane; [+] added: new settings in the tabs "Panels\Tree", "Panels\Editor", "Appearance\Colors" (see the menu Tools\Settings); [*] changed: checking version of Windows 11; [*] fixed: removing changes symbol "*" from the documents tabs after closing of document; [*] added: icons into menu "Edit\Copy+"; Version 9.93 (build 2845, November 24, 2021) [+] addded: new version in help file in English; [+] added: syntax highlighting supports strikethrough text; [+] added: new version of file "AsCarc.ash" (added strikethrough text); [+] added: report about new version can minimized; [+] added: formatting dates in the News pane; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml2Evernote 2.01 (sync Aml Pages with Evernote); [*] changed: popup menu of button "Find" on the toolbar "Format"; [*] fixed: short links in the pane "News"; [*] changed: drawing of tree selected item marker; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.93 (build 2844, November 15, 2021) [+] added new IniUtil; [*] many fixes in the CView*::OnUpdate; [*] change icon of "To Header" on toolbar; Version 9.93 (build 2843, October 21, 2021) [+] added: new version of plugin Aml2Evernote 2.00 (sync Aml Pages with Evernote); [+] added: new setting "Show Text" for the button on Tabs bar; [*] changed: formatting reports for command "Check For Updates" (CSS); [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.93 (build 2842, October 17, 2021) [+] added: tooltip for the Quick Settings menu command "System Hotkeys\Customize" is shown the "double" hotkeys; [+] added: more info Quick Settings menu commands about RichEdit settings; [*] changed: search of RichEdit DLLs; Version 9.93 (build 2841, September 06, 2021) [+] added: new setting "Mute Mode"; [+] added: click on tab in pane History show node in the tree (in Filter mode); [+] added: new version of Aml Assist 3.36; [+] added: command "Exclude From FIlter" into context menu of tree; [+] added: new version of Aml Assist Aml2Dropbox 2.60; [+] new extension in the pane Files; [*] fixed: slowdown when editing text, when the bookmarks panel is displayed on the left; [*] fixed: handling of hyperlinks in the empty main window; [*] fixed: memory leaks on reading of colors groups from options; Version 9.92 (build 2840, August 23, 2021) [+] changed: tooltips for toolbars buttons; [+] added: button "Check For Updates" into News pane; [+] added: menu command "Exclude From FIlter"; [+] added: new version in help in English; [*] fixed: does not work command "Check For Updates"; Version 9.92 (build 2839, August 11, 2021) [+] added: red background in search dialog when text not found; [+] added: hyperlink "Backup Explorer" in the Settings\Document; [+] added: menu commands shown node title in the tooltips; [*] changed the behavior of system messages (MessageBoxTimeout), added a countdown stop for keyboard events; [*] fixed: blickering of pane Files on refreshing; Version 9.92 (build 2837, July 01, 2021) [+] added: current sorting is shown under button "Sort" on toolbar; [+] added: current sorting is shown on status bar; [+] added: new version of pluigin Aml2Dropbox 2.59; [+] added: new version of pluigin Aml Assist; [*] fixed: crash on command execution "Insert Hyperlink" in a web nodes; [*] fixed: invalid function name in report about errors on execution of plugins; Version 9.92 (build 2836, June 26, 2021) [+] added: icons into context menu of text editor for hyperlinks handler; [*] changed: tooltips for the menu commands; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.92 (build 2835, June 22, 2021) [+] new version of Plugin API v9.92 build 2835: added macros; [+] added: new version of pluigin Aml2Dropbox 2.58; [*] fixed: crash on openning of corrupted compressed document of Aml Pages; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist; Version 9.92 (build 2834, June 18, 2021) [+] added: document autosaving after command "Add As Web Node"; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.35; [+] added: new version help file in English; [*] fixed: does not handles MDI-links menu commands in the choose nodes, parents, text moving commands; [*] fixed: Re-read info about plugin in the Plugins-Engine; Version 9.92 (build 2833, June 13, 2021) [+] added: MDI-links show in menu Favorites; [+] added: link to article "Tips and tricks. Part 8. Settings and plugins"; [+] added: new version of pluigin Aml2Dropbox 2.57 (changes in report about plugin commands execution); Version 9.92 (build 2832, April 15, 2021) [+] added setting: "Does not break es: hyperlinks"; [+] added: new menu commands into Quick Settings; [+] changed: command "Hide Tree" set of focus into text editor; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.56; [+] added: new tooltips for area settings in dialog "Find In Document"; [*] fixed: search of text for mode "Selected Node + All\Only Childrens"; [*] fixed: does not work parsing of es: hyperlinks; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.91 (build 2831, April 06, 2021) [+] added: new version of plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.55; [+] added: Maximize command into dialog choosing of node; [*] fixed: does not work macro $BOOKMARK$ in text template editor; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.91 (build 2830, April 01, 2021) [+] added: more info about selected Filter on tooltip for button "Filters"; [+] added: Alt+F accelerator for filters menu; [+] added: dialog "Find On Document" shown strings count on caption; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist; [+] added: part "More Articles" in the about-dialog; [*] fixed: does not works command "Replace All" on dialog "Replace Text"; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.91 (build 2829, March 27, 2021) [*] fixed: error in insertion of formatted text templates; [*] fixed: crash on the pinned tab in pane History, when opened single empty document; [*] fixed: resizing of pane "Tip Of The Day"; Version 9.91 (build 2828, March 25, 2021) [+] added: new nodes filter "Lates 2 weeks"; [+] added: pinned tabs on the pane History shown other system color; [+] added: shown column by other color by sorting; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml2Dropbox; [+] added: new version Plugin API; [*] fixed: does not highglight of syntax in text on the double click on search results pane; [*] fixed: crash on the clicks on hyperlinks on tips of the day, when not opened documents; [*] changed: window "Choose Node" expand to max size on showing; Version 9.91 (build 2827, February 17, 2021) [*] added: column "#" on search results pane; [*] many fixes and changes for the search text in documents; [*] many fixes and changes for the search text in nodes titles; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.34; [*] disabled: encryption of nodes; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.91 (build 2826, February 10, 2021) [*] fiixed: False positive detection by Kaspersky Antivirus; [+] added: links to most popular articles into Tips Of The Day'; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.91 (build 2825, February 08, 2021) [+] added: new command "Expand Entire Tree" (see submenu Edit); [+] added: new command "Expand All" (see menu Edit); [+] added: new commands "Articles" (see menu Help); [+] added: new commands Expands\Collapse into context menu of tree; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.22; [*] fixed: crash on commands "View\Files" + "Tips Of The Day"; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.91 (build 2824, January 31, 2021) [+] added: special log-file for the error messages; [*] autosaving timeout as default enlarged to 10 min; [*] menu command "Settings" is renamed (in context menu of tree and text editor); [*] fixed: crash on documents saving; [*] many bug fixes and improvements; Version 9.91 (build 2823, December 16, 2020) [+] added: new menu command "Nodes\Show in main window"; [+] changed: info in dialog "Nodes\Properties"; [+] changed: popup menu on pane Header; [+] added: hint path for saving of Aml Pages settings; [+] changed: drawing links in main window; [+] changed: popup menu on pane Tree; [+] changed: tooltip on pane Header; [*] many bug fixes and impovements; Version 9.91 (build 2822) [+] added: show link to node on empty main window; [+] added: new menu command "Tools\Links On Empty MDI-frame"; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.33; [*] changed: report about checking of new version when no connection; Version 9.91 (build 2821) [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.32; [+] added: menu command "Show In Tree" in dialog Add Node; [+] added: menu command "Goto Parent Node" in dialog Add Node; [+] added: menu shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+M for menu Clone Node; [+] dialog Add Node;: added tooltip with full path to parent node; [+] added: link to the article "How to attach HTML images" into Aml Pages document; [+] added: "Insert\Attach Web Images" show progress in statusbar; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.21; [+] menu Favorites: added command "Show In Tree" (by right click); [+] added: pane Files show full size of all files in header of column; [*] fixed: command "Paste As Plain Text" insert text in Aml Pages format; [*] fixed: crash on change from pane "Whats New" to the pane "Tip Of The Day"; [*] changed: tips of the day; [*] many bug fixes and impovements; Version 9.90 (build 2820) [+] added: red text color on renaming of tree node; [+] added: highlight of tree node, when change parent node in the dialog "Add New Node"; [*] fixed: deletion nodes from the right pane, when has multiple selection; [*] fixed: does not work setting "Create In New Folder" in the dialog "Add New Node"; [*] many bug fixes and impovements; Version 9.90 (build 2819) [+] added: hyperlinks to commands of Aml Pages into pane "Tip Of The Day"; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.20; [*] added: main icon with large sizes; [*] updated: tips of the day (en+ru versions); Version 9.90 (build 2818) [+] added: pane "Tip Of The Day" show visited items by other color; [*] added: show web icon for the tip with URL to article on web site; [*] fixed: crash on show of tooltip under hyperlink in the text editor; [*] many bug fixes and impovements; Version 9.90 (build 2817) [+] added: new pane Tip Of The Day; [+] added: new setting "Show Tip Of The Day At Startup"; [+] added: new setting "Show node icons"; [+] added: tooltips show path to document on the History tabs; [+] added: remove duplicates from search results (when find with multiple strings); [+] added: tooltips show icons of nodes; [+] added: command line key "/no1" (does not check first running instance of Aml Pages); [+] added: Ctrl+S for command "To Listbox" in search results; [+] added: new version of plugin AAC 2.09; [+] added: new version of pluginChangeLog; [*] disabled: setting "Disallow Overtype Mode On Text Typing"; [*] changed: content of tips file; [*] changed: tips file as Unicode encoding; [*] changed: hyperlinks in empty MDI-frame of Aml Pages; [*] changed: search results pane; [*] changed: sorting of search results (now: recursive Document->Node->Text); [*] many bug fixes and impovements; Version 9.89 (build 2816) [+] added: new version of plugin AAC 2.08: fixed crach on Ctrl+A + Any key in text editor; [*] Quick Settings menu: removed menu item "Auto Word Selection"; [+] Quick Settings menu: added menu item "Highlight standard hyperlinks"; Version 9.89 (build 2815) [*] fixed: crash on press Delete, Backspace when all is selected in text editor; [*] many fixes and impovements; Version 9.89 (build 2814) [*] fixed: hanging of AmlPages on search of text in a documents; [*] changed: show popup menu on click on button "Find In Text" on toolbar Format; [*] many small changes and impovements; Version 9.89 (build 2813) [+] added: remove background higlighting when remove bookmark; [+] added: dialog "Choose Node" show selected node as red frame (see command "Nodes\Move To", "Text\Move To" and etc); [*] many small changes, impovements and bugfixes; Version 9.89 (build 2812) [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.19; [*] improved: icons for menu tooltips; [*] changed: selected node of tree shown as large size; [*] fixed: crash on parsing of es-hyperlinks in text; Version 9.89 (build 2811) [+] the "Remove Tabs" command has been added to the menu of the "Insert" button; [+] added the "Nodes\To Parent" command; [+] added the "Nodes\To Root" command; [+] added the option "Formatting Marks" for search results has been added (see context menu in results listbox); [+] added new version of the Aml Assist 3.31 plugin (+ embedding in the settings menu, new Plugin API); [+] Commands "Read only This Node", "Protect By Password" into the context menu of the tree; [+] added quick setting "Tree\Selected Node Larger" (see Quick Settings menu, submenu Tree); [+] added Nodes selection dialog (parent in page creation, text cloning commands, requests from plugins) use background settings for tree nodes; [+] added a hint to the confirmation dialog for creating a nodes\sticky from Aml Assist; [+] added new version of the plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.52; [+] the "Show in tree" command has been added to the context menu of the History bookmark bar (at the top of the window); [+] the "Show in tree" command has been added to the page creation confirmation dialog; [+] Added keyboard accelerator Alt + Q to quickly display the menu of the "Sort" button in the panel above the tree; [+] the command "Insert \Remove Tabs" is added (Shift + Tab, also in the context menu of the text editor, but by default hidden); [+] added menu for quick transition to sections of the list in the About window; [+] Added report (MessageBox) on deleting a key-file to the command "Change registration data"; [+] New plugin for Aml Pages has been posted: LogView (viewing messages from the Aml Pages log); [+] added: new version of the AAC 2.06 plugin (the indent of the tip of the completed text from the cursor position in the text has been increased); [+] Plugin API: flag APF_MENUSETTINGS added (embedding plugins in the Quick Settings menu); [+] settings dialog can be dragged for an empty place in the settings tree; [+] added: Aml Assist plugin command "Paste as web page" (see context menu on the plugin’s floating panel), shows the dialog for allowing the insertion of a new web page (if the confirmation to create nodes in the settings); [*] changed: the "View Mode" and "Document Read Only" buttons in the Standard toolbar always show context menu when you click on the button; [*] fixed: it was not possible to get an icon for the plugin menu commands; [*] settings of the default context menu of the tree have been changed; [*] many small changes, impovements and bugfixes; Version 9.88 (build 2809) [+] added: Plugin API new command "Show News Pane"; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.18; [*] fixed: does not activate tab Colors on openning Settings; Version 9.88 (build 2808) [*] fixed: search of bookmarks in the small nodes; [*] changed: UX of list of colors in the Settings, tab Colors; [+] new icon for the command "To Title" in the toolbar Format; [+] added: command "Insert Tab" into the menu of buttton Paste on the toolbar Format; [+] added: list of DLLs in the about-dialog; Version 9.88 (build 2807) [*] fixed: autoscroll of text (now from EN_SELCHANGE only); [+] added: info about ITextFont2; Version 9.88 (build 2806) [*] changed: changed submenu "Dates\Time" in context menu of text editor; [*] changed: text temlates as default; [*] fixed: does not work hyperlinks in "Check For Updates"; [*] fixed: does not work under Win10; [*] changed: dialog File\Import\Directory; Version 9.88 (build 2805) [+] added: menu Date\Time contains dates\times in all installed languages in Windows; [*] fixed: does not work button "Pin" in the pane "News"; [*] fixed: getting tag title from a web-sites in the acync mode; [*] fixed: removed dependcy at win7-version of msvcrt.dll (correctly work in the Windows XP SP3, 10); Version 9.88 (build 2804) [*] restored setting "Open Last Document automatically"; [*] changed: XML-manifest (added , Win10 compatibility); [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.30 (delayd init of float pane services); [*] many small changes and impovements; Version 9.88 (build 2803) [+] added: new algorithm calculation of offers; Version 9.88 (build 2802) [+] added: update text for command "Edit\HTML\Edit HTML"; [*] changed: Quick settings menu; [*] changed: the setting "Open Last File"; [*] many small changes; Version 9.88 (build 2801) [+] added: toolbars menu on right click on the right tabs bar; [*] fixed: plugins initializate; [*] fixed: running with plugin Aml2Dropbox; [*] many internals changes in plugins engine; Version 9.88 (build 2800) [+] added: DLL-files for Win8.x\10 into installer and portable version; [*] fixed: count of backups in tooltip on the Backup Explorer; Version 9.88 (build 2798) [+] added: new nodes filter "Latest 3 Days"; [+] added: new version help file in English; [*] fixed: does not work dragndrop into Aml Assist pane; [*] improve: writing logs of backups; [*] many small changes; Version 9.88 (build 2797) [+] added: new implementation for deletion backups of documents (fastest, background); [+] added: About dialog show plugins with subscription to events; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Auto Completion 2.05; [+] added: Plugin API - new event LogSave (+ flags); [+] added: Backup Explorer show special folder for backups in the tooltip; [+] added: show context menu on Shift+F10 in the Backup Explorer; [*] fixed: removing old backups on the creation of new document backup; [*] fixed: command line key "/newfile"; [*] fixed: actualized size on bottom panels on resizing; Version 9.88 (build 2796) [+] added: more info about settings of search in title; [+] added: blink search scope in find dialog on start; [+] new commands in Plugin API; [+] added: Plugin API - new event DocSave; [+] added: command "Plugins\Refresh" show list of plugins; [*] changed: can move "Backup Explorer" on any place; [*] changed: hyperlinks in empty main window; Version 9.88 (build 2795) [*] fixed: text search in document on modes "Entire Document", "Selected Branch"; [+] added: tooltips for search area in dialog "Find In Document"; Version 9.88 (build 2794) [+] many small changes in UI layout in dialog "Find In Document"; Version 9.88 (build 2793) [*] fixed: resort expanded branch with selected node after openning of document; Version 9.88 (build 2792) [+] added: backup explorer show opened documents at green color; [+] added: toolbar Format show text on buttons; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.29; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.50; [+] added: delayed notiftications about unreaded news; [+] added: backup explorer open backups at read-only mode; [*] changed: make backup, when save changed document only; [*] fixed: dialog "Tip Of The Day" enable checkbox "Show on start" when click on button "Next Tip"; [*] many fixes and imrovements; Version 9.87 (build 2791) [+] icon on system tray show char "^", when run as administrator; [+] added: button "Fix" in pane News; [+] added: Alt+A for menu with node types and mode of left pane; [+] added: commands "Search On Document", "Search In Text" into context menu of text editor; [*] fixed: translation relative paths to absolute pats in Backup Explorer; [*] added: extended tooltips in Backup Explorer (menu commands, items of list); [*] new implementation of command "Copy Entire Text" on web pages in documents; [*] added: new version of help file; Version 9.87 (build 2790) [*] fixed: a search in the entire document (or in tree branchs) found only the first occurrences of the search string, ignoring the subsequent ones; [*] fixed: update of the button "Insert bookmark on paragraph" in the Formatting toolbar when moving the caret in the text; Version 9.87 (build 2789) [+] added: copy entire text into clipboard also HTML format; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.28 (show hotkey in float pane); [*] fixed: ensure visible selected item after activation of left pane as tree; [*] fixed: pane News does not hide after openning; [*] many fixes and imrovements; Version 9.87 (build 2788) [+] added: setting "Notify About News" into Quick Settings menu; [+] added: new version of help file; [*] fixed: does not show notification about new, when right side bar is hidden; Version 9.87 (build 2787) [*] many changes in filters by tags; [+] added new version of ColorDlg.DLL; Version 9.87 (build 2786) [+] added: command "Help\Command Line Keys"; [*] changed: default folder for installation LOCALAPPDATA; [*] fixed: crash on New Document in English version; Version 9.87 (build 2785) [+] added: multiple instnces of Aml Pages on multiple Windows desktops; [*] fixed: changing buttons layout of toolbar "Format" after changing of node type; [*] many fixes and imrovements; Version 9.87 (build 2784) [+] added: building of tree in background; [+] added: command "Only This Branch" into tree menu; [+] added: acceleator key into Filters menu; [*] fixed: expanding tree nodes on drag-n-drop; [*] changed: filter "Only This Branch" does not show sibling nodes; [*] changed: text on Favorites button on tree toolbar; [*] changed: context menu of tree; Version 9.87 (build 2783) [+] added: copy text to clipboard include bookmarks and hyperlinks; [+] added: command "Document Parameters" into Quick Settings menu; [+] added: full path to document into dialog "Properties"; [+] added: blink node title on restoring from system tray; [*] fixed: update bookmarks pane after Undo\Redo; [*] many fixes and imrovements; Version 9.86 (build 2780) [+] added: menu command "Help\Video: How to enter license data"; [*] changed: Sort Lines - Lines starting with text is available; Version 9.86 (build 2779) [*] fixed: crash on command "Sort Lines"; [*] changed: sort by bookmarks is unavailable, when no bookmarks; Version 9.86 (build 2778) [+] added: command "Paster" of context menu of right pane show target node; [*] fixed for command "Paste" of right pane; Version 9.86 (build 2776) [+] added: command "Export Folder" into menu of right pane; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.27; [*] fixes: update right pane of folder on command "Paste from Clipboard"; Version 9.86 (build 2775) [+] added new nodes filter "Latest 60 days"; [+] changed commad "Save Settings To Ini-file"; [+] added: more info into menu tooltip for command of nodes filters; [+] improved: tags pane; [+] added: menu command "Properties of INI-file of settings"; [*] removed featers of AmlAssistDirect.exe; [*] fixed for plugins engine (work with nodes filters); [*] many fixes and imrovements; Version 9.85 (build 2774) [+] added: command for control of pane News; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.16; [*] changed: URL of article "How to use Aml Pages as portable version"; [*] updated Plugin API engine; Version 9.85 (build 2773) [+] added: "Color Groups" into context menu of right pane; [*] fixed: attaching of images on web pages with Escape-sequences in URL; Version 9.85 (build 2772) [+] added: command "Attach Images" also attach local images (file:///); [+] added: new text template $DOCUMENT_PATH$; [*] fixed: crash on export into XML; [*] many fixes and imrovements; Version 9.85 (build 2771) [*] fixed: crash on copy of root node; [*] removed: support of ADL-files; [*] fixed: update empty MDI frame after changging of MRU-list; [+] added: command "Insert\Attach Images Into Web Page"; [+] added: sticky note supports Shift + Delete; Version 9.85 (build 2770) [+] added: report for command "Exclude Not Exist Files"; [+] added: commad "Copy Path" into context menu of node properties; [+] added: new setting "Auto scroll first\last lines in text" (see menu of quick settings); [*] updated demo-document; Version 9.85 (build 2769) [+] changed: drawing of tags panel; [+] changed: bookmarks panel show marker of selected item; [+] added: item "Tags Control" info Quick Settings menu; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist; [*] changed: text editor no scroll first and last lines; [*] many fixes and imrovements; Version 9.85 (build 2768) [*] fixed: nodes filters "By Categories", "With Attached Files", "With Comments"; Version 9.85 (build 2767) [+] added: nodes filter "Last 30 Days"; [*] fixed: working of filters by dates; Version 9.85 (build 2766) [+] added: remove unavailable buttons from toolbar "Format" in plain text mode; [*] improved: showing of text editor menu; [*] improved: showing\hiding of left pane in bookmarks mode; [*] many fixes and imrovements; Version 9.85 (build 2764) [+] added: return to text view by double click in tree; [+] added: offer in command "Check For Updates"; [*] many fixes and imrovements; Version 9.85 (build 2763) [+] added: new commands for View Type: "As Childrens Ony", "All Childrens Ony", [+] added: new sortng type in command "Edit\Sort Lines"; Version 9.85 (build 2762) [+] added: sort on "Attached Files" in direct\reverse order; [*] changed: Search By Title does not change tabs bar; Version 9.85 (build 2761) [+] added: new feature "Rename Bookmarks" (see context menu of bookmarks pane); [+] added: new settings "Always use standard icon for folder"; [+] added: move folders to nodes with text as children; [+] added: navigation by keyboard into bookmarks pane; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.26 (fixed: does not work command "Close Pane", crash when none plugin FavEx); [+] added: lists and trees handle keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C\V\X\Z\A, Ctrl+Insert, Shift+Insert, Shift+Delete; [+] new version of Aml2Dropbox 2.20, added send documents of Aml Pages as ZIP with user password; [+] added: new features in plugins Engine; [*] fixed: does not update bookmarks pane on changing selected node; [*] updated help file; [*] many fixes and imrovements; Version 9.84 (build 2760) [+] hint to the setting "Save password to nodes during a session with a document"; [+] Added: checkbox "Remember password" has been added to the dialog for requesting a password; [+] dialog for requesting a password for document nodes: blink a password hint, if there is one; [*] fixed: the search results panel shows what was searched for in the title; [*] changed: search results show the position of the found string in the text; Version 9.84 (build 2759) [+] added: password for node show title of node and full path from root; [*] fixed: double query of password for node on the click in the Find and Find Results dialog; Version 9.84 (build 2758) [+] added: tooltip for password hint in dialog "Password For Node"; [*] updates demo document sample.apd; Version 9.84 (build 2757) [+] added: highlight node, when prompt password for node; [*] fixed: commands "Back\Forwars" for nodes, protected by password; [*] removed: setting "Start The Aml Assist On Exit"; Version 9.84 (build 2756) [+] added: protection of nodes by user password (see menu "Nodes"); [+] added: hints for user passwords for nodes; [+] added: setting "Save passwords for nodes during session of work"; [+] added: click tab count on tooltips of History bar; [*] changed: UI-layout of dialog "Node Properties"; [*] fixed: invalid exctraction of URL from text editor on changing of hyperlink; [*] many small changes and fixes; Version 9.83 (build 2753) [+] added: get hyperlink by tag TITLE from URL on dialog "Insert Hyperlink"; [+] added: command "Show In Tree" in context menu of sticky notes; [*] fixed: does not work button Cancel on dialog "Insert Hyperlink"; Version 9.83 (build 2752) [*] fixed: "Insert Picture" for text editor; [*] many small changes and fixes; Version 9.83 (build 2750) [+] added: menu "Favorites" contains command "Only This Branch"; [*] changed behavior of tooltip for tree pane; Version 9.83 (build 2749) [+] added: setting "Smoothly open and close dialog boxes" (menu Tools\Settings, tab Appearance\Colors); [*] fixed: close dialog "Insert Hyperlink" when shown menu or window of node selection; [*] fixed: does not highlight hyperlinks in text after command "Sort Lines"; Version 9.83 (build 2748) [+] added: syntax highlighting supports attribute BOLD for keywords; [*] updated syntax highlighting of MFC; Version 9.83 (build 2747) [+] added: tooltip on tree show installed tags; [*] fixed: flickering of tooltips on status bar; [*] many small changes; Version 9.83 (build 2746) [+] added: special tooltip for es-hyperlinks in text editor; [+] changed: cannot undock right side-bar by caption; Version 9.83 (build 2745) [+] changed: cannot undock right side-bar; [+] added: new hyperlinks into empty main window of Aml Pages; [*] fixed: flickering tooltips in empty main window of Aml Pages; [*] many small changes and improvements; Version 9.83 (build 2744) [*] changed: left side-bar is pinned as default; Version 9.83 (build 2743) [+] added: new nodes sorting "Sort By Title Case Sensitve", "Sort By Title Case Insensitve"; [+] added: sort lines by bookmarks does not change relative order of lines; [+] added: menu command "Only This Branch " into tabs bar menu; [*] fixed: sort lines by text length; [*] changed: menu of tabs bar sort menu commands for nodes by alphabet without prefixes "*", ">"; [+] added: new icon for command "Edit HTML"; Version 9.83 (build 2742) [+] added: new method "Sort Lines By Bookmarks"; [+] added: when sort lines by lenght, if lenght is equal, then lines compare by aphabet; [+] added: redraw bookmarks marker in editor after sorting of lines; [*] fixed: invalid placement of line after sorting, if line contains bookmark; [+] added: command "Edit HTML" into menu of button "Node Type"; Version 9.83 (build 2741) [+] added new command Tools\Search On Everything; [+] added: warning before "Sort Lines", when text contains pictures or embedded objects; [*] fixed: Sort Lines, when lenght of para equal 1 character; [*] changed: context menu of text editor; Version 9.83 (build 2739) [*] changed: tags fiels use font of tree (exclude height of font, use height of system font for window caption); [*] fixed: setting "Do Not Break es Hyperlinks"; [+] added: new version of Extended Color dialog with support of multiple monitors; Version 9.83 (build 2738) [+] added: new command "Edit\Sort Lines"; [+] added: new setting "No break es hyperlinks"; [+] added: new setting "Show marker on selected item in tree"; [*] fixed: lost setting "Write Backup Log" on changing of settings; [*] fixed: check hot keys in settings, when all hotkeys is disabled; [*] changed: context menu of text editor; [*] many small changes and improvements; Version 9.82 (build 2736) [+] command "Refresh List of Syntax Highlighting" reread current rules files; [*] commamd "Join Lines" remove double carrier returns; Version 9.82 (build 2735) [+] auto close dialog after refreshing of syntax highlightings list; [+] new version of pluigin Aml Assist 3.25; Version 9.82 (build 2734) [+] added: setting of color of selected node marker on tree pane; [*] fixed: corruption of data on saving of documents with password for openning; [*] many small changes and improvements; Version 9.82 (build 2733) [*] fixed: command "Edit\Join Lines"; Version 9.82 (build 2732) [+] added: hyperlink "Video: how to enter license data into Aml Pages" in About-dialog and "Enter key"; [+] added: new demo-documents (sample.apd); [*] many small changes; Version 9.82 (build 2731) [+] added: pane News use background picture of text editor; [+] added: extended ListCtrl into dialog Enter key; [+] added: language of resources of Aml Pages into dialog About Aml Pages; Version 9.82 (build 2730) [*] fixed: crash on closing of document, when show pane "Filter by tags"; [*] many small changes; Version 9.82 (build 2729) [+] added: new UI for filters by tags (with pane and hot applying); Version 9.82 (build 2728) [+] added: large toolbars (tree, format) for hi-dpi monitors; [+] added: sticky notes change the mode read-only when check "Read Only Node"; [*] changed: font as default on dialogs; [*] tip on system tray show full version of Aml Pages; Version 9.82 (build 2727) [*] fixed: does not save "Line Spacing" in text after command "Format\Paragraph"; [+] added: DPIAware into resource manifest; [+] added: info about HighDPI into About-dialog; Version 9.82 (build 2726) [+] added setting: "Alt+Alt for hide\show tree"; [*] changed: icon of command "Read Only Document"; [*] many small changes and bug fixes; Version 9.82 (build 2725) [+] added: menu on LButton_Down on state icon in tree; [*] fixed: invalid draw marker for read-only nodes in tree; [*] improve build of tree; Version 9.82 (build 2724) [+] added: new features for edit read-only nodes; Version 9.82 (build 2723) [+] added: dialog of choosing of nodes show menu "Favorites" by right click; [*] changed: nodes creation dialog change tags when user changed parent node; [*] fixed: placement of button "Select" in dialog of choosing of nodes; Version 9.82 (build 2722) [+] added: dialog of New Node\Folder show tags choose pane (in older versions uses menu); [+] added: embedded resource manifest; Version 9.82 (build 2721) [+] added: highlighting of separators on tags field; Version 9.82 (build 2720) [+] tag pane: added accelerators (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Insert,Ctrl+D, Ctrl+Alt+D and etc); [*] fixed: tags control does not clear background; [*] fixed: does not update text of tags after create new tags of end of edition; Version 9.82 (build 2719) [+] added: new commands for tags pane "Create Tag" + "Create Child Tag"; [+] added: 3-state checkboxes of tags pane (indeterminta state of parent tag, when has checked children tags); [+] added: menu command "Nodes\Choose Tags"; [+] added: keyboard accelerator Ctrl+Alt+Z for choosing of tags; [+] added: expand pane "Choose Tags" when expand tags; [+] added: parent tags show checked count of children tags; [+] added: pane "Choose Tags" show tooltips for menu commands; [+] added: new version of pluign Themes 4.02; [*] fixed: flickering of tooltip for button "Tags" in bar "Tags" (when tooltip is large); Version 9.82 (build 2718) [+] added: tags pane show red marker on selected item; [+] added: command "Show\Hide Tags Bar"; Version 9.82 (build 2717) [+] added: bar "Header" show filters mode; [*] fixed: show empty web page on openning node; [*] fixed: double click on History tabs does not save latest changes of node text; [*] many small changes and bug fixes; Version 9.82 (build 2716) [+] added: left pane show tags as tree; [+] added: left pane in tags mode show fill path to node in tooltip; [+] added: left pane in tags mode show number of children tags + nodes; [+] added: left pane in tags mode supports delete nodes by pressing key Delete; [+] improve: tags selector (many colors, expand used tags on showing); Version 9.82 (build 2715) [+] added hierarchical tags; [+] the settings dialog shows the last viewed tab; [+] a detailed report on the results of the command "Integrate into the shell"; [+] added: export / import commands to the file to the tags control; [+] added: Read-only attribute for individual nodes (see menu Nodes); [+] changed: enlarge tags pane on showing; [+] added: tags pane show asterisk on title, when tags is changes; [+] added: new command "Generate Password" (see menu Tools, Plugins); [+] added plugin "Password Generator"; [+] new version of pluigin Aml Assist 3.24; [*] removed: depricate setting "Use background of text editor for toolbar Format"; [*] updated Plugins-engine and Plugin API; Version 9.81 (build 2708) [+] added: button Node Type show modes for left pane; [*] use small font for button in tags field; Version 9.81 (build 2707) [*] disable setting "Launch Aml Assist on exit from Aml Pages" (depricated); [*] many small changes and bug fixes; Version 9.81 (build 2706) [*] fixed: crash after command "Add Text To Node" for Aml Assist, if clipboard contains hyperlink; Version 9.81 (build 2705) [+] added: large fonts on tree pane on renaming nodes; [+] added: new setting "Highlight Bookmarks Background" in text editor for all nodes (enabled as default); [*] many small changes; Version 9.81 (build 2704) [*] news pane refresh data on show, when news on web-site is updates; Version 9.81 (build 2703) [+] added: red marker on selected item in tree pane; [+] added: update of Plugins-engine by plugin does not change position in menu; [+] added: new button on toolbar "View Type"; [*] improve: working of news pane; [*] many small changes; Version 9.80 (build 2702) [+] more info about problems with showing of news pane; [*] fixed: problems with LuaPriv and Application Verifier; [*] many bug fixes and small changes; Version 9.80 (build 2701) [+] added: multi-column menu of text templates; [+] added: statistics about largest node; Version 9.80 (build 2700) [*] changed: main icon of app; Version 9.80 (build 2699) [+] new build of pluigin Aml Assist; [*] many small changes; Version 9.80 (build 2698) [*] fixed: navigation on hyperlink of Everything (es:) in text editor; Version 9.80 (build 2697) [*] improve: working of news pane; [*] fixed: detection of Windows 10; [*] added: new manifest file; [*] added: large size of main icon; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.23 (+ menu on left button+ Ctrl); [+] added: highlighting of hyperlinks of Everything (es:); Version 9.80 (build 2696) [*] changed: encoding selected text in dialog "Create New Node"; [*] many small changes; Version 9.80 (build 2695) [+] added: choose title of new node by date in confirmation dialog; [+] added: tags control show menu by Shift+F10; [*] fixed: corruption of branch when add new node to collapsed parent node; [*] changed: new algorithm for icons of tree pane (smart support of themes, settings and etc); [*] many bug fixes and small changes; Version 9.79 (build 2693) [*] fixed: does not work renaming of color group in settings; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.15; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.22 (fixed: draggin plain text from Firefox); [+] many small changes; Version 9.79 (build 2692) [*] fixed: does not show icons on tree after openning of documents; Version 9.79 (build 2691) [*] fixed: lost nodes icons after changing of settings; [*] many changes; Version 9.79 (build 2690) [+] added: color groups settings save is changed only; [+] added: report about error on saving of color groups; [*] fixed: command "Create Color Group From Node" leave new group after Cancel in settings; Version 9.79 (build 2689) [+] added: new entity color groups for nodes; [+] fixed: invalid security attributes for autoload event; [*] changed: context menu of tree; [*] many bug fixes and changes; Version 9.78 (build 2688) [+] added: mask "*.png" into command "Insert Picture"; [+] added: hiding menu tooltip when WM_EXITMENULOOP; [*] fixed and improvements for extended MessageBox`es; Version 9.78 (build 2687) [+] relased: new version of plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.19 (sync documents via web-service Dropbox); [+] relased: new version of plugin Spell Checker 4.00 (spell checking in Aml Pages); [*] fixed: extended MessageBox (fixed background drawning, added thread-safe entity); [+] added: new function Plugin API AC_BLINKCTRL; Version 9.78 (build 2686) [*] fixed: does not work menu command "Open On Start"; [*] many small changes and bug-fixes; Version 9.78 (build 2685) [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Export 3.09 (fixed: export of nodes with subfolders); [*] fixed: crash on double click on html-nodes in right list; [*] fixed: plugins engine (TREEPASS-commands); Version 9.78 (build 2684) [*] renamed: command "Edit\Join Lines"; Version 9.78 (build 2683) [+] added: second instance of Aml Pages with restricted privilegies can activate first instance (when first instance running as Administrator); [+] added: user name in main window caption with symbols "^" if Aml Pages running as administator; Version 9.78 (build 2682) [+] added: update of tabs titles on navigation on document; [+] added: country name in "About" dialog; [*] fixed: drawing of tabs on scrolling via up-down control; Version 9.78 (build 2681) [+] new version of plugin Themes 4.01 (added: correct work under restricted Windows account); [+] added: update bookmarks pane, when text is edited; [*] changed: path to log file to %APPDATA% under restricted Windows account; Version 9.78 (build 2680) [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.21 (restore top-most mode for pane on WTS-events); [+] added: bookmarks pane show count in header; [*] changed: menu by Alt+Alt does not show bottom pane automatically; [*] changed: tooltips on bookmarks pane as multiline; [*] changed: icon of hot bookmark; [*] fixed: text in header on bookmarks pane in mode "New On Bottom"; Version 9.78 (build 2679) [+] added: menu by Alt+Alt contains items of mode of left pane; [*] fixed: text of selected item of bookmarks pane is not visible; Version 9.78 (build 2678) [+] added: new command "Insert Screenshot As Attached File" (menu Insert); [+] added: choosing of formats on saving screenshots as attached files; [+] added: new command "Rename" for attached files; [+] added: indicated mouse pointer for screenshot creation; [+] added: check "Is picture" on command "Resize Picture"; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.14; [*] fixed: invalid message when file is changed, after command "Open" in pane "Attached Files" (whe file is NOT changed); [*] fixed: refresh count of attached files in tree after deletion; [*] fixed: background color of icon of attached files on tree for items with custom background color; [*] fixed: cancel of creation of screenshot minimize main window; Version 9.77 (build 2677) [+] added: resize of pictures of text editor; [*] fixed: flickering of bottom panels, when all documents is closed; Version 9.77 (build 2676) [+] added: command "Paste Hyperlink from Clipboard" (see menu Edit); [+] added: hide tooltips when any key is pressed on tree or editor; [+] added: tree does not show tooltip, when is showed for this node; [+] added: accelerator Alt+V for menu "Paste"; [+] added: hide tooltip when text editor is scrolled; [*] changed: menu "Copies" is included as default; [*] fixed: bookmarks count in context menu of text editor; [*] many small changes and bug-fixes; Version 9.76 (build 2673) [+] added: new command "Format\Remove SPAN, STYLES"; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.12; [+] added: dialog "Send As ZIP" show file sizes; [*] fixed: text editor show message, when press Escape in read-only mode; [*] improved: get titles of web-size by URL; Version 9.76 (build 2672) [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.20; [*] fixed: CPU usage on background; [*] many small changes and bug-fixes; Version 9.76 (build 2671) [+] added: accelerator Ctrl+F3 for showing of filters menu; [+] added: notification message, when key is pressed in text editor in read-only mode; Version 9.76 (build 2670) [*] fixed: invalid work of trial period; Version 9.76 (build 2669) [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.11; [+] added: menu of tabs has command "Properties"; [*] fixed: does not work double hot keys (Ctrl+Ctrl, Alt+Alt and etc); [*] changed: for Vista and later sticky notes not has custom buttons on titles; [*] changed: enlarge frame for dowloading of files (New, plugin ChangeLog, not attached pictures of web pages); [*] changed: enlarge format rectangle for tag input field; [*] changed: the setting "Show dialog on creation of new nodes" enabled as default; [*] fixed: does not edit title on tree after commands "New Node\Folder\Child Node"; Version 9.76 (build 2668) [+] added: new filter of node "Latest 10 (changed only)"; [+] added: new menu command "Send To Where As ZIP-archive"; [+] added: new command "Only Checked" in text templates editor; [+] added: new version of plugin AAC 2.04; [+] new version of plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.17; [*] fixed: blinking of tooltip under hyperlink in text editor; [*] fixed: does not draw nodes with custom backgroun color after command "Into Header"; [*] many small changes and bug-fixes; Version 9.75 (build 2667) [*] changed: name of key of settings, for enabling of dragndrop from Internet Explorer in protected mode; [*] fixed: crash when calculate hash of file in pane Files; Version 9.75 (build 2665) [+] pane News auto-hide, when pressed any key in any other panels; [+] added: command "Allow Drag-n-drop from IE" (see menu Quiick settings, allow drag data from Internet Explorer in protected mode into Aml Assist pane); [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.19; [*] changed: filters of messages for Windows Vista and later; Version 9.75 (build 2664) [+] added: extended tooltip for setting "Show Dialog For New Nodes"; [+] context menu of text editor contains command for work with tables, if click under table; [*] improve: autohiding right pane (news pane); Version 9.75 (build 2663) [*] improve import of images from long URL; Version 9.75 (build 2662) [+] added: command "Nodes\Attach Images" (attach images of web pages into document of Aml Pages, for offline mode); [+] added: checking of privilegies for document, when document is read-only; [+] added: mode of pane Files is saved into settings; [*] removed: commands "Nodes\Archive"; [*] many small changes; Version 9.74 (build 2661) [*] fixed: invalid names of section on import of settings of Aml Pages from file; [*] fixed: invalid drawing of flag on tree items with background color; [+] added: more info about files in dialog "About Program" (info about privileges); Version 9.74 (build 2660) [+] added: button "Like On Facebook" to pane News; Version 9.74 (build 2659) [+] added: selected row show red border in search results; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.10 (+ button Download on pane of plugin); [+] added: link to WriteYours; [*] changed: resizing of columns in search results; Version 9.74 (build 2658) [+] added: attention on attachmend large files into document; [+] command "Show On Tree" in Search add node into filter; Version 9.74 (build 2657) [+] added: setting "Write backup log" (see Menu\Tools, tab Document); [+] added: command "Delete Not Exists" into Backup Explorer; [*] fixed: does not work sorting on reverse order in Backup Explorer; Version 9.73 (build 2656) [*] fixed: choosing of fonts in settings of Aml Pages; Version 9.73 (build 2655) [+] added: accelerator Ctrl+Alt+V for command "Paste As Unformatted Text"; [*] changed: manifest files; Version 9.73 (build 2654) [*] removed: accelerator Shift+D for creation of folder; Version 9.73 (build 2653) [+] added: accelerator Shift+D for creation of folder; [+] added: about-dialog show list of loaded modules; [*] changed: tree show icon for items with attached files; Version 9.73 (build 2652) [+] added: tooltip for command "Attach File" into pane "Files"; [+] added: statistic of text show number of hyperlinks; [*] updated: demo-documents; [*] changed: setting "Highlight Bookmarks Background" enabled as default; Version 9.73 (build 2651) [+] added: new command "Highlight Entire Text" for syntax highlighting; [+] added: show filters menu on Ctrl+F5; [*] fixed: filter "Latest 10" work with children nodes invalid; [*] fixed: invalid counting of attached files on bottom pane; Version 9.73 (build 2650) [*] fixed: crash on search on document; Version 9.73 (build 2649) [+] added: when filters is changes, start the build of tree in background mode; [*] updated: localized version (fr, de, pt, uk and etc); Version 9.73 (build 2648) [+] added: new filter "Latest 10"; Version 9.73 (build 2647) [+] added: command "As Sticky Note" into popup menu of Tabs bar; [*] fixed: lost setting "Pin Tab" when text is changed by plugins; Version 9.73 (build 2646) [*] some bug fixes; Version 9.73 (build 2645) [+] added: new setting "Show Favorites menu on CapsLock+CapsLock" (enabled as default): [+] added: menu with all tabs for pane History; [+] added: sorting tabs by aphabet for tabs bar History; [*] added: "Uses line to show hierarchy of nodes" (see menu Tools\Settings, tab "Panels\Tree"; Version 9.72 (build 2644) [+] added: UI-theme "Black"; [*] fixed: navigation on Ctrl+Alt+Down\Up when edit tree node; Version 9.72 (build 2643) [*] fixed: detection of Windows 8\8.1\10; [*] small fixes and improvements; Version 9.72 (build 2642) [*] impovements of installer; [*] small changes in Aml Pages; Version 9.72 (build 2641) [+] added: installer can done running copy of Aml Pages; [+] added: comman line key "/exit"; [+] added: tree pane supports Unicode symbols; [+] added: submenu "Portable Mode" (see menu File); Version 9.72 (build 2640) [+] added: command "English Portable", "How to use portable" (see menu "Tools\Language"); [+] added: tabs of documents show names without extensions of files; [+] added: double click on empty area of document tabs create new document; Version 9.72 (build 2639) [*] fixed: logging service when heap is corrupted; [*] many improvements and bug-fixes; Version 9.72 (build 2638) [+] added: command "Format As Pattern" into context menu of text editor; [+] added: multilines tooltips for buttons of toolbars (experimental); [*] changed: allow hide lost menu tooltips when mouse move; [*] added: more information in menu tooltip for command "Format As Pattern"; Version 9.72 (build 2637) [+] added: mutiple command "Format As Pattern", when click on words hold key CTRL; [+] added: system sound on completion of command "Format As Pattern"; [+] added: automatically complete command "Format As Pattern" when editor lost focus; [*] fixed: does not show mouse pointer on command "Format As Pattern"; [*] removed: command "Edit\Find In Files"; [*] changed: menu of button Find contains other items (Search By Titles, Search By Bookmarks and etc); Version 9.72 (build 2635) [+] added: command "Format As Pattern" apply formatting to word, if no has selection; [+] added: Cancel command "Format As Pattern" on Escape; [+] added: command "Format As Pattern" use special mouse pointer; Version 9.72 (build 2634) [*] small fixes and improvement in Plugins Engine; Version 9.72 (build 2633) [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.06; [*] improve drawing lines on tree (enabled as default); Version 9.72 (build 2632) [+] added: command "Copy Without Childrens"; [+] added: command "Show As Sticky Note" into dialog chosing of nodes; [+] added: setting "Show Lines on Tree"; [+] added: command "Copy" into dialog "Properties of Node"; [+] added: statistic of document into dialog "Properties Of Node"; [+] changed: context menu of text editor; [+] added: command "Remove CR\N" into context menu of text editor; [+] added: statistics of documents into dialog "About Aml Pages"; [+] added: animation of node title on pane Header; [+] added: submenu "Text Color", "Background Color" show current color; [+] added: allow choosing of current node in dialog "Choose Node"; [*] fixed: slow work on edition of text when pane "History" is shown; [*] changed: does not show bookmarks in context menu of text editor; [*] added: click on button "Tip" show menu; [*] fixed: does not work filter by dates; [*] changed: context menu of tree (new submenu "Move To"); [*] fixed: command "Clone" does not show childrens nodes of current node; [*] removed: accelerators for commands "Copy Text To", "Move Text To"; [*] changed: context menu of pane of search results; [*] many improvements and bug-fixes; Version 9.71 (build 2630) [+] added: command "What Is Filters"; [+] added: update colors on toolbar after choosing of colors (background color, text color); [*] changed: URL of technical support; [*] changed: size of Aml Pages window on start; Version 9.71 (build 2629) [*] fixed: choosing of node icon from menu of tree pane; [*] improve: extraction titles and favicon.icon from Internet for tooltips of hyperlinks on text editor; Version 9.71 (build 2628) [+] added: download favicon.ico from internet for tooltips in text editor; [+] added: hyperlink to WriteYours (see menu "Help"); [*] fixed: splitter menu does not show command "ChangeLog"; Version 9.71 (build 2625) [+] added: show text "Bottom pane" on context menu; [+] changed: Plugin API; [*] impove: tooltips for hyperlinks in text editor; Version 9.71 (build 2624) [*] fixed: copy-paste single node from tree into this tree; Version 9.71 (build 2622) [+] added: command "Nodes\Go to Next\Previous" navigate on branch; [*] fixed: double hot keys (Ctrl+Ctrl, Alt+Alt and etc) runnnign when dialogs is shown; Version 9.71 (build 2621) [+] added: Backup Explorer run as virtual mode; [+] added: command "Rename" on right pane; Version 9.71 (build 2620) [+] added: progress of reading information about backups; [+] added: pane of search results support navigation on Ctrl+Alt+Space; [+] added: search pane call command "Save" on Ctrl+S; Version 9.71 (build 2619) [+] added: search for all opened documents; [+] added: saving of search results into bottom pane; [+] added: setting "Use background of Format toolbar as text editor" (enabled as default, see menu Tools\Settings, tab Appearance\Colors); [+] added: does not build tree in background mode when menu is shown; [+] added: menu on right click on header on dialog Find; [+] added: Search dialog show titles on caption; [+] added: button "Facebook Group" on standard toolbar; [+] About-dialog: added info about checking new versions and RSS; [+] added: information about setting of logging in About-dialog; [*] fixed: critical fixes for Copy-Paste command on tree; [*] fixed: cannot remove folder of sticky notes into recycled folder; [*] fixed: crash on menu comands in pane Files, whell all documents is closed; [*] fixed: crash of Search dualog, when close document; [*] changed: IDLE handler on startup; [*] some bug fixes and changes; Version 9.70 (build 2608) [*] fixed: cannot load many files of text templates on start; [+] added: saving settings of text templates also into ini-file; [+] added: saving as relative paths of text templates files; [+] added: accelerator Ctrl+F2 for visit to parent node on tree pane; Version 9.70 (build 2606) [+] added: search on web nodes without dialog boxes (experimental); [+] added: zooming of web nodes; [+] added: zooming of web nodes on Alt+Shift+Mouse_Wheel; Version 9.69 (build 2605) [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.05; [*] changed: do not show "Close" buttons on tabs under Windows 2000; [*] improved: command "Insert\Screenshot"; Version 9.69 (build 2603) [+] added: highlighting of nodes on drag`n`drop text to tree; [+] changed: autoopen files save as relative paths (when: enabled saving settings into ini-file); [*] changed: key of ini-file for autoopen files ("AUTOFILE_OPEN_ENABLED_XXX"); Version 9.69 (build 2602) [+] changed: nodes sorting by header case unsensitive; Version 9.69 (build 2601) [*] fixed: does not open document with long localized names; [*] fixed: does not work double hot keys Ctrl+Ctrl, Shift+Shift è Alt+Alt; Version 9.69 (build 2600) [+] added: new version of plugin Themes 4.0; [*] changed: drawing of scrollers on tab bar; [*] changed: installer; Version 9.69 (build 2599) [+] added new setting "Use visual styles for document tabs"; [+] improve Plugin API themes management; [*] new themes of appearance: White_Standard.aptheme, Present_White_With_Background.aptheme; Version 9.69 (build 2598) [+] added: undo for commands "Cut" in tree pane; [+] aded: Plugin API supports follows settings: "Show Full Path In Caption", "Background Color for Bookmarks" and etc; [*] fixed: command "Copy Title" is disables, when is command unavailable; Version 9.69 (build 2597) [+] added menu command "Copy Title" into context menu of text editor (if right clink under hyperlink); [+] added: About-dialog has link to file with saved titles of web-sites; [*] changed: dragndrop of tree pane; Version 9.69 (build 2596) [+] added: new implemenation of dragndrop in tree pane; [*] removed tab History on right side-bar; Version 9.68 (build 2594) [+] changed: Font Dialog blink checkbox "Use As Default"; [*] fixed: drag`n`drop of tree nodes for changing of nodes order; [*] changed: context menu of tabs pane in mode "Filters"; [*] changed: reformat pane news as DHTML-way; [*] fixed: double hotkeys handle when presses any other keys; Version 9.68 (build 2593) [+] added: results of search by headers show in tree; [+] added: tab bar "Search By Headers" allow close tabs; [*] fixed: Nodes Filters; [*] fixed: Search by Levenstein; [*] changed: Full Screen mode set focus to text editor; [*] changed: keys for levenstein in dialog "Search By Headers"; Version 9.68 (build 2592) [+] added: pane History highlight tab under cursor; [+] added: new version of plugin Aml2Dropbox 2.14 with supports Dropbox 3.10.11; [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.03; [*] fixed: second start of Aml Pages, when Aml Pages already started automatically, hide main window into tray; Version 9.68 (build 2590) [+] added: pane User Tabs show button "Close" on tabs; [+] added: query for openning of web brower, when click on hyperlink in web-pages; Version 9.68 (build 2589) [+] added: setting show button "Close" on tabs of History pane; [+] changed: context menu of History pane; [+] added: timeout quesry for web pages in new window for HTML-nodes; [*] changhed: re-build of nodes tree after document openning; [*] improved: drawinig of tabs in History pane; Version 9.68 (build 2587) [+] added: buttons "Close" for seperate tabs on Tab-bar History; Version 9.68 (build 2586) [+] added: export of documents to OPML-file (see menu File\Export); [*] changed: formatting of news bar; [*] updated: demo-document; Version 9.67 (build 2584) [+] added: tabs drag`n`drop in pane History; [*] chaned: sounds play asynchrounous; Version 9.67 (build 2583) [+] added: command "Close All" for History tabs; [*] fixed: drag`n`drop of tabs in History pane; [*] changed: showing of web-nodes with different encoding; [*] fixed: dialog "Insert Hyperlink" does not show folder "Sticky Notes"; [*] some bug fixes; Version 9.67 (build 2582) [*] fixed: saving HTML after edition of web-nodes; [*] fixed: double keys work in sticky notes; [*] fixed: History bar limin max symbols of tabs; [*] changed: redesign of UI of tips dialog; Version 9.67 (build 2581) [*] fixed: invalid sorting of nodes after creation nodes list; [*] fixed: reading of tips in old dialog; [*] fixed: does not save syntax highlighting and category after command "Create Node Copy"; Version 9.67 (build 2580) [+] added: highlight node on command "Delete"; [+] added: new settings for hotkeys; [*] fixed: date formatting for command "Insert Node List"; [*] changed: icon of web-nodes; [*] fixed: sorting commands [*] added: highlight node on sort commands; Version 9.67 (build 2578) [+] new version of plugin Aml2CHM 3.00; [+] new version of plugin Aml2Evernote 1.03; [+] added: blink button Settings on pane News; [+] added: control of bottom pane by Alt+Alt; [+] added: Full Screen mode by Shift+Shift; [+] added: show Aml Pages as full screen on Shift+Shift; [+] fixed: export into HTML (impove speed, export as UTF8); [+] added: pane History: on context menu hightlight node in tree; [*] changed: blocked righ-bar History; [*] fixed: lost pictures in text on command "Add Text To Node" from Aml Assist pane; [*] changed: export web pages into plugins with encoding; [*] many bug fixes and changes; [*] changed: when content of node change 3-d party entity (Aml Assist, sticky notes) the node added into History pane; [*] changed: installer; Version 9.66 (build 2574) [+] added: new tooltips for menu command "Attach File" (pane Files); [*] improved dialog "Enter license Data"; Version 9.66 (build 2573) [*] fixed and improved: getting TITLE by URL; [*] changed: implementation of command "Check For Updates"; Version 9.66 (build 2572) [+] added: on command "Add Text To Node" from Aml Assist pane Aml Pages extract web-site title from URL (if text contains URL); [*] removed: old unused settings from tab "Actions" (menu "Tools\Settings"); Version 9.66 (build 2571) [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.18 (does not install Start With Windows as defaults); [+] added: hyperlink to TwinkiePaste into Templates Editor; [*] changed: checking of nodes in Templates Editor; [*] changed: installation of plugins (use "black list" instead "white list"); [*] changed Plugin API: added WriteLog entity; Version 9.66 (build 2570) [+] added: insertion of tab in text editor on CTRL+TAB; [+] fixed: naviagation beetween tags\editor by pressing TAB; [*] fixed: installation of plugin Aml2CHM; Version 9.66 (build 2569) [+] added: context menu of tree contains command "Files"; [*] fixed: drawing right info on tree pane; [*] fixed: tags pane does not activate text editor, after edition of tag; Version 9.66 (build 2568) [*] some bug fixes; Version 9.66 (build 2567) [+] added: new tab bar "History"; [+] changed: use tab bar History for new document as default; [*] fixed: blinking of button on Tab bar; Version 9.65 (build 2562) [*] Changed: menu of "Filter by tags" Version 9.65 (build 2561) [*] fixed: lost of selection in tree, after cancelling of filters; Version 9.65 (build 2559) [+] added: label for buttons of toolbar "Standard"; [+] height of menu tags calcuate for monitor of program; [+] added: "About dialog" show information about memory and monitors; Version 9.65 (build 2558) [+] added: new setting of menu of tags (show all tags, or show tags of active document only); [+] added: multi-column of menu of tags; [*] fixed: installation of plugin SpellChecker; [*] fixed: loading of formatting styles; [*] changed: menu of tags; Version 9.64 (build 2556) [+] added: new setting "Show right side-bar on start"; Version 9.64 (build 2555) [+] added: new setting "Write Log File" (see menu Quick Settings or tab Usability); [*] removed: minimize main window of Aml Pages on start of screensaver or monitor power; [*] fixed: fonts for tooltips of tab pane; [*] fixed: gettting plain text from nodes of formatted text for tooltips of tabs pane; Version 9.64 (build 2552) [*] fixed: openning of attached HTML-files in Google Chrome; [*] fixed: drawing of menu command "Open On Start"; [+] added: new commands into context menu of document tabs; Version 9.64 (build 2551) [+] added: pane files new modes "All", "Selected Node Only", "Selected Node + Childrens" (see context menu); [+] pane Header: on receive focus in tags field, the field will be enlarge; [+] pane Header: on double click on tags field, the field will be enlarge; Version 9.63 (build 2548) [*] fixed: folder allow change icon; Version 9.63 (build 2547) [*] fixed: invalid working of command "File\New\Alphabetical List"; Version 9.63 (build 2546) [+] added: show auto-charset on status bar at background color; [+] added: Plugin API: new settings for popup menu; [+] added new version of plugin Aml Export 3.06; [*] fixed: reset web-encoding of loading of web-page; [*] added: status bar show current web encoding; [*] added: delayed highlighting of toolbars on background mode; Version 9.63 (build 2544) [+] added: new version of plugin ChangeLog 1.01; [*] impove memory allocation on saving large documents (great than 50 MB) with compression; [+] added: button "Copy" into About dialogl [+] changed Plugin API: added API for management of plugins pane (show, hide, toggle); Version 9.63 (build 2543) [+] added: pane Files show dates\times as full format; [+] added: command "Paste" for pane Files; [+] added: pane Files refresh of data when node is renamed; [*] changed: syntax highlighting "HTML" as disabled for HTML-nodes; [*] changed: Properties of node show info about syntax highlighting; Version 9.63 (build 2542) [*] fixed: export of web-archive into file; Version 9.63 (build 2541) [+] added: command "Copy With Attached Files" [+] added: attachments for nodes; [*] changed: syntax highlighting "As Carc"; [*] fixed: changed order of nodes after drag`n`drop; Version 9.62 (build 2540) [+] added: new version of plugin Aml Assist 3.16 (save settings into ini-file); [*] fixed: conversion relative to absolute paths, when settings is saved into ini-file; [*] fixed: does not save pinned document tabs, when settings is saved into ini-file; Version 9.62 (build 2539) [+] added: "Files Management" dialog show not exists files by red color; [+] added: new version AmlAssistDirect.exe; [*] added: uninstaller start the AmlAssistDirect.exe with command line key /noautoload; Version 9.62 (build 2538) [+] added: changing of cursor position from properties of node; [+] added: new versio of plugin ChangeLog; [+] added: PluginAPI::Aml_UnloadPlugin function; [*] changed: formatting of creation date of bookmarks; Version 9.62 (build 2537) [+] added: plugins on bottom pane supports rotation on Ctrl+Shift+T; [+] added: comfortable formatting of dates\times (include full monthname, weekdayname); Version 9.62 (build 2536) [+] added: setting "Add Aml Pages into firewall exclusions"; [+] added: plugin ChangeLog (see pane on bottom); [+] added: new Plugin API for embedding of plugins into pane; [*] chanded: icon on pane Comments; [*] fixed: export nodes of formatted text (invalid encoding, see menu command "File\Export\Node"); [+] - new [*] - changed Full changelog see here: http://www.amlpages.com/history.shtml Web Site: www.amlpages.com Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/amlpages Feedback: http://www.amlpages.com/home_support.php Forum: http://amlpages.com/home_forum.php E-mail: amlpages@amlpages.com RSS-Feed: www.amlpages.com/news_en.xml PAD-File: www.amlpages.com/amlpages_en.xml (for English version, other PADs see here: http://www.amlpages.com/padfiles.shtml) (©) 1998-2025 by Mazov Gosha aka Carc, G&G Software